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  1. I'm sure you did, and I have a guess as to where you might have seen them. Having all the kexts in EFI/Clover/kexts/Other is easier to manage, and you can keep the system intact. Also, if I'm not mistaken, during the update, you rely entirely on the EFI partition. So...if you don't have your mandatory kexts there, you can't boot. Easy as that. Update: I don't know, man. I never had any issues having all the kexts in Clover/kexts/Other. Also, because of that, I have no such errors when I try to rebuild caches. And I don't wanna keep VirtualSMC/FakeSMC in EFI and everything else in other places. It's just not organised this way. And I tend to forget which kexts I have where. So I just have them all in one place. Easier this way.
    1 point
  2. Basically, you're trying to cache VirtualSMC and it appears unsupported/incompatible with your Hack for whatever reasons (kext version, bootloader config, applied patches, etc.). I'd switch to FakeSMC instead (and ACPIBatteryManager of course). And you appear to have the same with WEG. You really need to update your add-on kexts to latest versions before you upgrade to Catalina! You're right to cache your kexts from /L/E.
    1 point
  3. Source: http://matthewlewis.ca/disable-or-uninstall-synology-6-1-universal-search/ Synology DSM 6.1 has removed File Station from the core and swaps out the Search functionality from File Station into its own individual package. I’ve noticed some users (myself included) have been posting on forums and stated they no use for this package and did not want it installed, and it cannot be disabled or uninstalled via the Package Center. So here are some simple SSH commands (assuming you already have SSH is enabled in Control Panel / Terminal & SNMP) you can execute on your DiskStation to either disable or remove the package permanently. So login into your DiskStation with a ssh client such as PuTTy with your username and password followed by: sudo -i Enter in your account password, you should now be under the root account. To disable: synoservicecfg --disable pkgctl-SynoFinder To remove completely: synopkg uninstall SynoFinder And to logout of root account: logout You will have to logout and log back into the DSM to notice the package has been completely removed! How to stop and uninstall Universal Search? There's a lot of good, more advanced advice here, but the easiest way to do it for me was described on page 2 of this thread by quadcore: Control Panel =>Task Scheduler => Create => Triggered task => Under "General Tab" give the task a name of your choosing, and set "Event" to 'boot-up'. Under the "Task Settings" tab, in the "user-defined script" box, add: synoservice --disable pkgctl-SynoFinder synopkg uninstall SynoFinder (this is optional AK) Reboot, and observe in your Resource Monitor there isn't like 20 'synoelasticd' processes running. It works fine. I add the warning, you do this at your own risk.
    1 point
  4. Yeah, I remember reading about this system a year ago. Nice looking build though. Congratulations! Touchpad looks awesome. Does it come default like that?
    1 point
  5. And don't forget the Embedded Controller patch as detailed in our promoted thread (see Our Picks column). Imperative for Catalina.
    1 point
  6. As @arsradu suggested, just update to latest Clover and update the kexts to the latest. If you have 3rd party kexts in /L/E make sure to update those as well, repair permission and rebuild cache. See if it still boots. If no issue, then continue upgrading. For sure you'll need a minimum of Clover v5107 to boot 10.15.4. I would recommend just upgrading to the latest v5118 at the time of writing this.
    1 point
  7. Oook... Kexts folder... As I told you, you have 2 Ethernet kexts. Please, remove IntelMausi.kext and IntelMausiEthernet.kext, download the one above, and place it in Clover/kexts/Other. Also, make up your mind. Are you using FakeSMC or VirtualSMC? :)) You should not be using both. So please, remove VirtualSMC from your kexts, for now. Let's use FakeSMC. You're using a bunch of kext (probably normal for a laptop). I can't help you with those, since I don't know exactly what they do, or if you really need them. Drivers folder... Again, make up your mind. You want FakeSMC or VirtualSMC? If you want FakeSMC, then please, remove VirtualSMC.efi from your drivers. Also, you're disabling VboxHfs in config, but you don't even have it in your drivers folder... So...what are you disabling? ACPI/patched folder... About sound...we can discuss that after we get your computer booting. Looks like you're using some custom SSDT but also AppleALC kext... Which I'm not sure are supposed work together. So...maybe try without the SSDT and let AppleALC do its job. You can just place that SSDT-ALC292.aml outside the /patched folder, if you don't want to delete it. Also, you've got a LOT of SSDTs... Do you need all of those? I see some of them which seem to be for renaming USB (from EHC1 to EH01 and EHC2 to EH02)? I could be wrong. But...if that's what they're for, that can be easily achieved from config (and it looks like you already set it there, too!)... I think one place is enough! No need to do it from SSDT and also, config. Also, you seem to be using a patched DSDT along with (probably also) patched SSDTs. Which is never a good idea. Either you put everything in one patched DSDT and basically make sure everything you need IS already included there. Ooor...you just add your custom SSDTs for the stuff you need and let the original DSDT do its job. In this particular case, I don't even know what to recommend you... See? This is exactly why you don't just download EFIs without understanding what's inside them. Personally I would move that DSDT out of the way, as well and test without it. Config.plist... About the iGPU, looks like you're adding device properties (including AAPL,ig-platform-id) from config. So...do you still need ig-platform-id in Graphics and Inject Intel ON? I'm not sure... I'd say probably not, but again, it could be a laptop thing. Also, in config -> System Parameters, if you don't load your kexts from S/L/E, you can set Inject Kexts to Yes instead of Detect. And, to be honest, I would recommend using all your custom kexts from EFI, rather than L/E or S/L/E. Why? Because you tend to forget about them, and then you'll have duplicated kexts and not knowing where do they come from. So...keep it all in EFI. It's a lot easier to manage, in my opinion. Once you're done making these changes, try again. About OC...I'm not using it on a laptop, but I think it does work. However, it's a lot different than Clover. And...I would suggest reading and understanding everything before diving nose first into it. Cause it might hurt. If, however, you wanna give it a try, a few things I wanna tell you: 1. know your hardware! This is incredibly important. Especially on a laptop! Laptops are notoriously harder to hackintosh, due to their different hardware and implementations. 2. make a backup of your current, working EFI folder! 3. when you're done with that, make ANOTHER backup to the first backup, and then one more, just for good measure. I'm not kidding. Well, ok, I'm half kidding. But believe me. You're gonna thank me later. Make sure you always have a working USB drive you can boot from. 4. take your time to read! This is not gonna be a walk in the park. You need time and patience. With that being said, here's an awesome guide to get you started. It's still a very technical text, but it's a lot easier to read and understand than other similar documents on OC. 5. OC doesn't have an installer. And I'm not sure if it will. Maybe some day. But until then, everything you do is directly operating inside that EFI folder. If you still wanna do it, I wish you good luck!
    1 point
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