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  1. when i replace ApfsDriverLoader-64.efi by apfs.efi. i can see mojave partition again but can't boot into it. it show so much log and never stop
  2. iam using ssd 120 gb and nvidia only(intell hd was be disable in bios)
  3. I'm quite sad to tell you that my partition has been lost again from clover after a few days of use It seems that the problem is not in the file OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi. now what i need to do . pls !
  4. my mojave has a issue is audio not working after restart from windows. it working fine when restart form mojave, shutdown .. etc. but not work when restart from windows. all features else is work fine. my efi: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13UeeBtJd-SIF504WsgeJGorxNsJ35y1C/view?usp=sharing
  5. yep. i was removed OsxAptioFix2Drv-64.efi. I will use a few days to check the results and report back to you. My files are not at the same time because I took them from various sources. I'm sorry
  6. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1olSxzQPGxK0p8HSUcso0nAo7ziFYnX_1/view?usp=sharing this is my efi
  7. My computer uses a few days normally then suddenly in clover does not show mojave partition. All other partitions of windows are displayed normally. My mojave partition is apfs format. I have been like that 3 times already. When I use the r driver to restore the mojave partition, it will return to normal in the clover. This issue made me lose many important files and took a lot of effort to restore. Please help me solve this problem!
  8. Hello. My m4800 everything works normally except sleep / wake. Can you guide me how to sleep / wake. My machine hardware configuration is: i7 4810qm, 1920x1080, k1100 quadro, 16bg ram
  9. my problem is when i turn on my laptop . My speaker can work or not. It is random, but when i using button + - volume on key board. It still display changed volume although it does not sound
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