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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. @futureorkun Patched for battery Samsung RV520.dsl.zip
  2. You need to follow the update section to replace the mouse kext VoodooPS2Controller and audio kext. Most bootpacks are created before 10.11.4 came out and so will have the version of VoodooPS2Controller that will cause KP.
  3. Shows latest version is A06, is that what you have?
  4. Copy the EFI folder from your USB installer to the EFI partition of the Installed drive, step 6 of Part 3.
  5. Look under USB, does it show there?
  6. I don't think there's graphics support (HD 515)for Core M processor, you might want to go for the E7270 with the "I" processor (HD520) if you prefer the smaller size laptop.
  7. Download and launch Clover Configurator. Mount the EFI partition. Open the Config file in /EFI/Clover with Clover Configurator. Follow the steps provided...etc
  8. Where did you get the second command from? I see it under ALC668 in the old version, is that where it came from?
  9. You'll need 3 to 4 kexts. FakePCIID_Broadwell_wifi & FakePCIID for Wireless BrcmPatchRAM2 and BrcmFirmwareRepo (I didn't need this but others said they need it) for Bluetooth
  10. As I recall that version of CodecCommander in my bootpack was specifically coded to fix the static headphone noise. What you could do is go to sound preference Input and switch Line in to internal mic or vise versa, I can't remember. The static noise will go away, but once you close the preference the noise will come back. It's a known issue with this codec, not the patch.
  11. I see you have E7470 too, so you skipped a generation. Going from Haswell to Skylake skipping Broadwell. Honestly my Broadwell E7450 so far works the best. E7470 is coming around, but have no HDMI Audio support and SD card support yet.
  12. Yes, FakePCIID_Broadwell_wifi won't work without FakePCIID and FakePCIID does nothing by itself.
  13. Check his E6440 guide. You could try adding EAPDfix back with the new CodecCommander to test.
  14. Oops, missed that. Was originally used for Yosemite and didn't need that patch. Is the SD Card reader working too? Your signature shows E7440, do you have that too or typo?
  15. It's actually patched by Joe82 who had also done ALC293, ALC236, ALC668 and currently ALC298 for me. Patched AppleHDA is known to not get very loud, but I'm not sure if there's way to amplify it. You could try using Boom 2. As for no sound after sleep, try the latest CodecCommander. Hervé has an E6440 that also uses ALC292 and has no issue with the latest CodecCommander without the need of EAPDFix. I haven't try that on the E7440, so I can't confirm. The 2 kexts from my bootpack had always worked for me.
  16. Try this I have not personally test it.
  17. Try booting without cache, then repair permission and rebuild cache, reboot. Then test again.
  18. Try this. Replace the Config file too armino_E5440.zip
  19. folder is empty...should have a bunch of ssdt and dsdt..
  20. For HDMI Audio, you might need a patched AppleHDA instead of the VoodooHDA. There might be a patched kext already available, what's codec ID? You could check it in the BIOS, if not then you might need to do a codec dump from linux or ubuntu. See here, chapter 1, part 1 section 1.
  21. You shouldn't use DSDT from a different system. That's why your SD card reader and HDMI are not working. Boot to Clover GUI, hit F4. Then boot to OS X. Mount the EFI partition. Compress and upload /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Origin. I'll patch it for you. Run IOReg IORegistryExplorer_v2.1.zip and save the file, compress and attach it too. No, VGA is not capable in this model, last known working VGA is on an IvyBridge system.
  22. - Screen bright OK, but doesn't show the OSD notification Use Fn+F3 & Fn+Insert for brightness control NOT WORKING: - Head-Phones audio (after plug my head-phones the sound still comes from the speakers) Anyone with this problem? Open Sound preferences, make sure Internal Speaker is switched to Headphone. No issue for me. Try booting without cache.
  23. Yes, since I don't see anyone else hacking this model yet. I'm using basically the same patches for the E7450 with generic patches from Rehabman's github, with minor changes for Skylake support. NVMe was just currently supported with patches made by PikerAlpha, but I have not personally tested since my SSD is SATA based. Update: Here's a guide finally. It's still work in progress though.
  24. @MicRofT, are you using my bootpack? I have no issue sleeping/waking with the LID
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