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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. @Kransbox 1) you're right, it is on the root, I wonder why no one corrected me before. Guide is now updated. 2) the files I uploaded for E5420 should be rename to DSDT.aml and place in /Extra 3) Download Exx20, it's a folder, name it "Extra". Remove all the *.aml files in it and place the above DSDT.aml here. Follow the step in post 2, # 3 to generate your own SSDT.aml base on your CPU, and place it in /Extra as well. ssdtPRgen.sh is included in Exx20 folder Do all the steps here and you should not get a KP. By the way, what's the display resolution of your system? the DSDT I uploaded is for dualLink (resolution higher than 1366x768)
  2. Follow my Yosemite Guide, use the bootpack from Post #2. I just uploaded a dsdt for E5420
  3. 1) Just boot with at the Chameleon menu /System/Library/Kernels/kernel 2) add to org.chameleon.boot.plist in /Extra Kernel /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
  4. @ MilkmanZ, @ corydon Boot with this: > /System/Library/Kernels/kernel Once booted, add that to your o.c.b.p under Kernel
  5. Yes, 0x0a16 is yanked in the beta. I was able to add it back, but not able to get QE/CI. HDMI is working with this patch, but graphics is laggy. Update: Got QE/CI fully working now, like it was for 10.10.1! Had to patch both AppleIntelFramebufferAzul's & AppleIntelHD5000Graphics' binaries 10.10.2(14C81f).zip
  6. To get it working again, you can install NullCPUPowerManagement.kext
  7. Boot with the USB Installer, select myHack from the menu bar. From myHack, select Install Extra, point the Destination to your . Select Use My Own and point to the Extra Folder of the USB Installer. When finished, reboot.
  8. Would help if you could specify your system specs, what OS X version you're running. What boot loader you're using, do you have a DSDT for your system?
  9. Jake Lo

    e6520 help

    Yes, look for /System/Library/Extensions/myHack.kext and delete it. Then repair permission and cache.
  10. Make sure to download the correct version of the kext from my Mavericks guide under Updates.
  11. boot with -f -v -no-zp
  12. did you run this after the edits? sudo chmod -R 755 /S*/L*/E* sudo chown -R 0:0 /S*/L*/E* sudo touch /S*/L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U /
  13. look at your physical sound card, how many ports does it have?
  14. What's the number Layout_ID of your Motherboard: . Layout_ID 5 = ​​3 ports supported (Pink, Green, Blue) . Layout_ID 7 = 5/6 ports supported (Grey, Black, Laranja, Pink, Green, Blue) . Layout_ID 9 = 5/6 ports supported (Grey, Black, Laranja, Pink, Green, Blue, CodecAddress: 2)
  15. Ok, that makes sense as I'm seeing that on some of my builds too. Here's the fix. Boot with the USB installer, open up terminal and enter the following command: diskutil cs list you see something like below. Note the UUID in red and Revertible = Yes run diskutil cs revert UUID> , you can copy and paste the UUID reboot when finish. Boot with USB and select your Installed drive to complete your install
  16. org.chameleon.boot.plist. Did you restore the display file you modded to the original?
  17. Did you place the DSDT in /Extra? Try adding HDAEnabler to o.c.b.p How about the video, are you getting full display now?
  18. Jake Lo

    e6520 help

    add /system/library/kernels/kernel to o.c.b.p of the yosemite drive
  19. Jake Lo

    e6520 help

    Try booting with this: /System/Library/Kernels/kernel -v -f if that works, you might want to check your o.c.b.p to make sure it's pointing to the same directory. By the way are you dual booting?
  20. I'm assuming you're running Mavericks 10.9.5. Place the kexts in /Extra/Extension and DSDT to /Extra. Restore the vanilla kext of your graphics back to /system/library/extensions if you had modded them. Run myHack/myfix (quick). Included in files: DSDT patched for AMD HD 5450 Network Patched audio for ADI 2000B by Mirone Asus_P5Q-E.zip
  21. Jake Lo

    e6520 help

    add NullCPUPowerManagement.kext to /Extra/Extensions and try again. Why don't you just click Yosemite Guide from my signature below. Bootpack on post #2. Use DSDT for E6520 HD 3000 only = 2CH
  22. Jake Lo

    e6520 help

    @TMNTony, you need to remove FileNVRAM.dylib from modules. It won't work on Yosemite.
  23. 1) Did you add /EFI/Clover/Cloverx64.efi to UEFI boot option in the BIOS and disable legacy? 2) Do you see it under Network/Wifi? 3) Did you install DummyHDA to System/Library/Extensions using Kexwizard? 4) Check diskutil and see if all 128gb is assign to OS X.
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