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Everything posted by Leon

  1. mariusz posted a thread about the x3100, and howto to improve openGL performance.. you might wanna check that out
  2. Apple removed support for GMA950 and x3100 graphic cards.. we are doing experiments now.. I got ML booted on D430, but without graphics accl. None of the apps. wants to start, instead they throw an kernel_cl plugin error.. i reggon its because apple have tied OpenCL into kernel api for applications... - meaning - no accelration = no fun
  3. Hi, Its both good and bad. Our team have just started testing it.. and while it holds many secrets and nice new features - then on the sad side - Apple have dumped support for a lot of models.. with in terms.. could be the end of the D series.. but lets wait and see.. we have been surprised before
  4. when it comes to hackingtoshing.. everything makes no sense.. and all sense
  5. are you on lion or SL - and what version of EDP are you using ?
  6. that panic is something you will have to get used to.. sadly.. just keep on rebooting until it works.. alternatively.. you can try and boot with -v cpus=1
  7. Hey, If you are on Lion, then try this one. AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext.zip
  8. Open your org.chameleon.boot.plist in /Extra and add arch i386 Save the file and reboot...
  9. And just to confirm... 1. You have a D630, Intel 2. You are running OSX Lion 10.7.2 or SL 10.6.8 ? 3. You are using latest EDP ?
  10. Hey mate, did you get this fixed ?
  11. yep.. dsdt and native kext.. if you want my advice.. go for a Dell.. e series with nvidia or newer gma 3000 models.. the HP kp'ed once in a while..
  12. yep.. But only under SL so faar...
  13. Hi, Most likely because apple have dropped support for it in Lion... or the combination between the card ID and your machine ID dosent work. Just get a broadcom, look at the wiki under the re-branding section.. all of those works with OSX SL/Lion.
  14. No, i have yet to find a good working kext.. but feel free to search around and come back with your results.. i havent spent much time on researching - but i think its just a matter of testing what is out there
  15. just install chameleon and then replace the boot file
  16. Yes, its because it can't find a mouse.. just connect an usb mouse and keyboard...
  17. Thats where you go wrong.. you use the bootpack as a OS pack. Once you have installed.... 1. Download EDP from http://www.osxlatitude.com/edp/ 2. Install EDP 3. If edptool dosent run automaticly, then run edptool.command from /Extra on your harddisk) Follow the guide here for howto make a new build: http://www.osxlatitude.com/edp-do-a-new-build/
  18. Hi, Just speculating here - since 200+ users have the same model, and it worked fine. You said that keyboard did not work during installation.. right.. thats common - a usb keyboard can fix that. Then, when you are done installing and you boot into OSX - did you install EDP (download it from the WIKI's EDP page, not to be confused with a bootpack) .. and did you do a build afterwards ?
  19. You are using EDP.. right ? (just double checking) ... and your keyb is set to PS2 in bios ?
  20. actually, thats just cosmetics.. if you run a xbench test you will see that you still get full performance.. you can correct it by mnodifying smbios.plist in /Extra
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