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OSX Lion on D630


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  On 8/23/2011 at 6:10 PM, Bronxteck said:

easy follow the same method but put your own extra folder in it or install edp1.9 to the usb media and run a build for your model without using a battery kext during build. that should get the install going. after install install edp.pkg to the new install and re run edp for your model.


yea I would try it but it turns out I only have a core duo, not a core 2 duo. Leon was saying I could upgrade my CPU?

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  On 8/23/2011 at 6:10 PM, Bronxteck said:

easy follow the same method but put your own extra folder in it or install edp1.9 to the usb media and run a build for your model without using a battery kext during build. that should get the install going. after install install edp.pkg to the new install and re run edp for your model.


what about the myHack method somebody mentioned is that also on the presumption that you have a previous version of OSX installed?

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The myhack method is great, I use that method. Yes you need to have mac installed, even if its in a virtual machine, like vmware. Ive attached my Extra Folder, when myHack ask for Extra point it to where ever you extracted the attached file and it will do the rest, rather than using the generic kexts it ships with.


here's the guide for myHack.

MyHack Guide


Extra.D630.Nvidia.zipFetching info...


Just a side note. The extensions in the extra directory, I put them in /S/L/E instead of /E/E. You should in theory be able to use them from /E/E though.


The PS/2 Driver I included in this pack I have touchpad and J-stick working. but no scrolling, thats not a big deal for me as I dont use scrolling on the touchpad. I know there are others that work with scrolling in the EDP pack. the anv-slice version does, but the keyboard part of that kext only works when running OSX in 32bit mode, so I dont use it.


hope this helps.

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  On 8/24/2011 at 3:39 PM, devious said:

The myhack method is great, I use that method. Yes you need to have mac installed, even if its in a virtual machine, like vmware. Ive attached my Extra Folder, when myHack ask for Extra point it to where ever you extracted the attached file and it will do the rest, rather than using the generic kexts it ships with.


so when you say i need to have mac installed do you mean on the machine i want to download Lion to or just a Mac because i also have a macbook pro

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are you also getting on your D630 warning message in Lion 10.7.1:


kernel: ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver - WARNING - LPC device initialization failed: C-state power management not initialised


Is there any AppleLPC.kext which would help to get rid of that?

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