How are you doing. I had my audio working perfectly from Mavericks all the way until Sierra. The new IOAudioFamily has broken Audio Master slider control. There is audio max output and mute only from master volume. Apps with their own volume control such as Logic Audio work independently of the master control volume output and work as a master volume control should. Websites such as Youtube with their volume controls work the same way complete output control of volume but independent of Master volume.
I have the Realtek ALC282 but my audio device is audio 2.1 (subwoofer) a second speaker. I see in your GitHub you have version ALC282 and gave it a try but no audio output, I think the nodes are different in my version of ALC.
I would like to see this audio device make it to the AppleALC project but unsure how to get it there. I am not the original person who created the patch it was AreosJc from the Rogue forums also known as Aeros in the insanelymac forums. EmlyDinesh helped create a PatchAudio persistent kext from Aeros originally patched AppleHDA. He was the one who mentioned you had several files uploaded onto GitHub. I chatted with him today. I am still studying this guide and have not fully grasped it all yet.
Could you lend a hand to see if you can come up with something, maybe a different layout, going from layout from 3 to 13 did nothing. It would be great to get this working in Sierra or add this to the AppleALC project to see if this would provide a fix to the master control? I have attached my Codec, Info.plist, Platform.xml and Layout.xml for convenience. Let me know if you can have a look.
I even tried Mirone's Audio Patcher v1.6 and both ALC282v1 and ALC282v2 may have worked but I did not have 2.1 audio (subwoofer) working with those patches. I contacted Mirone and he told me I could run his patcher and dump the Info.plist and both ZML files and it would create all the files Patcher creates and although that worked fine I still ended up with a broken master volume control. Mrione may add this to his Patcher on the next release but a lot of good it will do in Sierra. Would AppleALC be any different or is this IOAudioFamily kext related only issue?
I would also like to add Spdif if you have any experience with this. My Path Map is the first one "0" in Platform.xml
Edited 11-23-2016:
I got SPDIFOut to work finally. Now just need to know if I port my layout3 to layout13 as you did if I can get that issue with the Master Volume Control to work as it did in El Capitan. In Sierra its full output or mute even though the slider does move all the way to the right and left as it should. Maybe some AppleHDA or IOAudioFamily Binary patch needed for Sierra? The source is now available for IOAudioFamily.kext and the readme mentions some changes to the Master Volume Control.