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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Creeping lines?? You mean verbose mode? Remove -v from the boot-arg
  2. Follow the last post on that thread. Clover bootpack is also included. Just make sure to replace the SSDT-PM.aml with yours.
  3. Only need the compiled SSDT.aml but you'll have to rename it as SSDT-PM.aml as that's what the config.plist is expecting. It's hardcoded in OC. If you want it to read SSDT.aml, then rename it in the config file. or add it and disable SSDT-PM.aml
  4. if your processor is anything other than i7-3540M, you'll need to disable SSDT-PM.aml or generate one and replace it with the same name in ACPI folder.
  5. 11.0.x is the version of MacOS. The bootpack can be found at the bottom of the guide under 1) 11.0 USB installer creation uncompress the following E6230 Big Sur OpenCore pack and copy the EFI folder to the mounted EFI partition:
  6. itlwm is for Intel Wifi, not Dell wifi. When you said Dell wifi, I'll assume DW1560, DW1830..etc.
  7. David's files don't include Intel Wifi / BT Remove all the Broadcom wifi/ BT kexts For Intel bluetooth, add IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext and BlueToolFixup.kext
  8. Remove IntelBluetoothInjector.kext and replace it with BlueToolFixup.kext
  9. Replace AirportItlwm_BS with one for Monterey. As the name stated, it's for BS only.
  10. right, if I go to Categories on the top and select Article, Guides and News, I can access them, just not from the Home page.
  11. You need to update OC to a minimum of 0.7.4 You could try mine here
  12. Nope, still not working. With the article page open and then sign in. As soon as I sign it, the page error out.
  13. Hmm, odd. If I signed out, I can access it, but when I sign back in, I'll get that error.
  14. @Hervé Could be you have different permissions, I too have the same error as viking1304. Tested on Chrome and Safari. Cache cleared as well.
  15. If you don't want to reinstall apps and restore data, then upgrade is better. You can also install on top without format as well without losing data and apps.
  16. Try go into the BIOS, create a new boot option, point it to /EFI/Clover/CLOVERX64.efi. Give it a name...Clover or whatever. Save it and move it to the top.
  17. Yes, if it could boot to Monterey, you can use it to upgrade to Monterey.
  18. Can you describe in detail the issue? Screens stays black until login? Please post IOReg file using IORegistryExplorer.app v2.1 only
  19. @Hervé You're right, I looked the host processor instead and didn't notice the target processor.
  20. If you're using my OC 0.7.5 bootpack, then it includes skyrilHD's version of voodoops2controller that enables multi gestures for Alps version 7. You might just need to decrease the tracking speed.
  21. Just add this additional SSDT-Disable-DGPU.aml to ACPI folder and Make sure to add it to the config.plist as well until ACPI/Add
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