it's in the minKernel/ maxkernel declaration
BS kernel version is 20.0.0 to 20.9.9
Monterey starts at 21.0.0
Same for Bluetooth kexts
Bluetoothinjector supports up to BS but crash for Monterey, so BlueToolFixup.kext is use instead.
So setting the maxkernel for BTinjector to 20.9.9 will prevent it from running in Monterey.
And setting Bluetoolfixup to run starting at minkernel at 21.0.0 will only load for Monterey.
Hope that's somewhat clear.
I was just basing the files off of your OC files. It doesn't contain USBPorts.kext, AirportBrcmFixup.kext or anything in the Config file.
For the trackpad issue, replace Acidanthera's voodoo with Rehabman's voodoops2Controller which is what you have in Clover.
For Wireless, try adding AirportBrcmFixup.kext
It's likely an USB ports issue. Your files didn't include it. While you still have your system running, download
Generate an USBPorts.kext but following the instruction in the USB tab. Send the USBPorts.kext and I'll update the files.
Install Clover and select the internal drive as the destination as you did for the USB.
If that doesn't work, you could create a new boot option in the BIOS and point it to /EFI/Boot/bootx64.efi
Go to the BIOS, navigate to the Boot options and add a new boot-option. Create new "OC" or whatever. Point it to /EFI/OC/OpenCore.efi
Save it. Reboot. Press F12 at boot and then select the new boot option.
post the config file. Maybe it got corrupted editing it in Windows.
I don't know why you install windows to mount. you can do all this in MacOS
Maybe check BIOS if UEFI and AHCI is still enabled
Same findings for E7470 Alps v8. The track stick does not work. 2 finger detection is fine but not 3 fingers or more while using
After sleep / Wake, touchpad stopped responding.
When using an USB mouse, the tracking and scrolling work but left mouse doesn't work so a restart is needed to work again.
Baio77 was asking you to test the EFI from an USB drive incase it doesn't boot, it won't break your system.
Also if it does boot to launch, save, compress and attach it here so he could take a look.
As for the audio issue, you have layoutid set to 11 in deviceproperties and layoutid 28 in boot-arg
change the boot-arg alcid=11 should fix the audio issue
From each EFI folder: attach config.plist, ACPI folder, and the 4 USB kexts:USBMap,USBPorts, USBToolBox and UTBMap. Also the IOReg file when booting to each EFI boot files
Which EFI config is the Brightness key not working?
I was never able to get wake to work on HD530, HD630 nor UHD 630. Sleeps fine, just can't wake the display and require a restart for display to come back.
Just disable S3 in the BIOS.