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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Probably need to rebuild cache or reboot a few times
  2. Set SecureBootModel=Disabled found under Misc/Security
  3. With VoodooSMBus and VoodooRMI, you need to disable VoodooPS2Mouse and VoodooPS2Trackpad or don't add them in Config file.
  4. No, those are needed, do not delete anything. The uuidgen you generate goes into Platforminfo along with serial # etc
  5. You could try following here's 7490 guide, should be similar config
  6. There's not setting in OC config that could enable louder audio. Either try with a different layout-id for your Codec or use 3rd party app like Boom2. If you're tech savvy, you could try editing the pre-made AppleALC. See here for more info
  7. You actually don't need to generate a SSDT. SSDT-PLUG.aml is all you need and it'll work for both i5 and i7. No changes needed. If you are using a generated SSDT, then remove SSDT-PLUG. You'll also need to generate a different SSDT for i7. IGPU only model means it only has an Intel HD graphics. Some model comes with discrete graphics like an Nvidia or AMD, which are not supported anyway and must be disable via SSDT patching. If your model has it, it should show in the BIOS under graphics. It is safe to upgrade to the latest BIOS, as the hot patched SSDT are not BIOS dependent. Yes, follow the same BIOS setting from Hervé's BIOS guide. With ApplePS2Controller, you should have 2 fingers scrolling, tab to drag (enable via Accessibility/Pointer Control. Trackstick should work as regular mouse, but with assistance from SmartScroll, you'll be able to scroll with the middle mouse. Not sure what version of VoodooPS2Controller you're referring to. With acidanthera, you probably only have keyboard and touchpad, I don't think it's made for Alps touchpad which is what you have for this model. You'll need the version (same name) by Dr. Hurt, you can find here in this forum or one by 1revenger1 which is another version for Alps you can find in Dortania's OC guide. For me non of the Alps version works well for me. I continue using ApplePS2Controller, only issue with that version is that you'll need to double tab the Caps key to enable and twice to disable. In the end, it's up to you which version works best for you.
  8. Sorry I don't use Intel devices on my Hacks so therefore have no experience with the kexts. You should try posting for help here https://gitter.im/OpenIntelWireless/IntelBluetoothFirmware
  9. The file from HP 840 G3 will run perfectly fine without any changes.
  10. Using other app like Notepad++ might have corrupted the file. I normally use PlistEdit Pro.
  11. @nhancdn You can dual boot with Windows but booting from OC Picker causes reboot loop. Must choose Windows from BIOS by pressing F10 to choose Windows boot manager.
  12. Does it have a touchscreen? If not, then remove all VoodooI2C + plugins If yes, then remove only VoodooI2CFTE.kext, VoodooI2CSynaptics.kext & VoodooI2CAtmelMXT.kext. Maybe others, but not for certain. Remove VoodooPS2Controller.kext + all plugins, you already have ApplePS2Controller Your error could be due to 2 versions of VoodooInput.kext, so removing VoodooP2Controller which includes their version of VoodooInput.
  13. This only happen after adding the 2 kexts? Post your Config.plist file
  14. Try switching back to an older version from your Clover files. I think I switched it to 2.1.7, you had voodoops2Controller 2.1.5
  15. IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext and IntelBluetoothInjector.kext are causing KP on your system? Make sure you have them added in the correct order, OC is picky like that.
  16. Once word goes out about a certain device is MacOS compatible the prices goes through the roof. I bought a DW1560 years ago for $20, now you won't find it anywhere for least than $50 You could try this developing Intel drivers: Itlwm.kext + heliport.app https://github.com/OpenIntelWireless/itlwm/releases https://openintelwireless.github.io/itlwm/FAQ.html#installation
  17. You need to change the ig-platform-id to HD520 instead of using the default for HD620; change 00001B59 to 00001B19, and deviceID from 16590000 to 16190000 and SMBIOS from MBP14,1 to MBP13,1.
  18. Yes, that's correct. Some cloning software might not clone the EFI partition, so just install Clover and copy the EFI folder over.
  19. add -v to Config file under NVRam/Add/7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82/Boot-arg or like a realMac, boot into recovery mode
  20. Fix your USB ports configuration. You could try using the USBPort-E7450 kext found in my files or generate your own with Hackintool.
  21. try this latest oc 0.6.2 E7450_OC062.zip
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