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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. i used the cmos reset jumper in my optiplex 7050 sff motherboard.
  2. oh yeah about trying things did you try that new clover it was baked fresh in the oven from todays commits witch had a rework of the intel graphics section.
  3. yes all recovered now. fresh underpants needed though
  4. I did not try 0x06 I guess for 21'st binary start at the beginning and don't count the spaces ok I just tried 0X06 192MB it loaded to desktop froze a second then rebooted. on second reboot it booted fine. my ram dynamic max is the same 1536mb I'm about to take a leap of faith and try Option: 2048M, Value: 0x40 lets see if we break it Edit.... yup definitely broke it nice yellow flashing power button better me then you
  5. looks like mine.... I got the 0x05 variable looking at a similar model to mine but one generation older that table looked like this Setting: DVMT Pre-Allocated, Variable: 0x350 {05 91 62 06 85 06 5A 27 01 00 50 03 14 10 01 FE 00} 0x39F1B Option: 32M, Value: 0x1 {09 07 63 06 30 00 01} 0x39F22 Option: 64M, Value: 0x2 {09 07 64 06 00 00 02} 0x39F29 Option: 96M, Value: 0x3 {09 07 65 06 00 00 03} 0x39F30 Option: 128M, Value: 0x4 {09 07 66 06 00 00 04} 0x39F37 Option: 160M, Value: 0x5 {09 07 67 06 00 00 05} 0x39F3E Option: 192M, Value: 0x6 {09 07 68 06 00 00 06} 0x39F45 Option: 224M, Value: 0x7 {09 07 69 06 00 00 07} 0x39F4C Option: 256M, Value: 0x8 {09 07 6A 06 00 00 08} 0x39F53 Option: 288M, Value: 0x9 {09 07 6B 06 00 00 09} 0x39F5A Option: 320M, Value: 0xA {09 07 6C 06 00 00 0A} 0x39F61 Option: 352M, Value: 0xB {09 07 6D 06 00 00 0B} 0x39F68 Option: 384M, Value: 0xC {09 07 6E 06 00 00 0C} 0x39F6F Option: 416M, Value: 0xD {09 07 6F 06 00 00 0D} 0x39F76 Option: 448M, Value: 0xE {09 07 70 06 00 00 0E} 0x39F7D Option: 480M, Value: 0xF {09 07 71 06 00 00 0F} 0x39F84 Option: 512M, Value: 0x10 {09 07 72 06 00 00 10} 0x39F8B Option: 1024M, Value: 0x20 {09 07 73 06 00 00 20} 0x39F92 Option: 1536M, Value: 0x30 {09 07 74 06 00 00 30} 0x39F99 Option: 2048M, Value: 0x40 {09 07 75 06 00 00 40} 0x39FA0 Option: 4M, Value: 0xF0 {09 07 76 06 00 00 F0} 0x39FA7 Option: 8M, Value: 0xF1 {09 07 77 06 00 00 F1} 0x39FAE Option: 12M, Value: 0xF2 {09 07 78 06 00 00 F2} 0x39FB5 Option: 16M, Value: 0xF3 {09 07 79 06 00 00 F3} 0x39FBC Option: 20M, Value: 0xF4 {09 07 7A 06 00 00 F4} 0x39FC3 Option: 24M, Value: 0xF5 {09 07 7B 06 00 00 F5} 0x39FCA Option: 28M, Value: 0xF6 {09 07 7C 06 00 00 F6} 0x39FD1 Option: 32M/F7, Value: 0xF7 {09 07 7D 06 00 00 F7} 0x39FD8 Option: 36M, Value: 0xF8 {09 07 7E 06 00 00 F8} 0x39FDF Option: 40M, Value: 0xF9 {09 07 7F 06 00 00 F9} 0x39FE6 Option: 44M, Value: 0xFA {09 07 80 06 00 00 FA} 0x39FED Option: 48M, Value: 0xFB {09 07 81 06 00 00 FB} 0x39FF4 Option: 52M, Value: 0xFC {09 07 82 06 00 00 FC} 0x39FFB Option: 56M, Value: 0xFD {09 07 83 06 00 00 FD} 0x3A002 Option: 60M, Value: 0xFE {09 07 84 06 00 00 FE} if you notice it had more options
  6. ok I just finally dumped my rom and ran IFR on it my DVMT Pre-Allocated does not have 0x05 it only has 0x00, 0M 0x01, 32M 0x02, 64M plus the rest we are not interested in since 64M is the highest table it shows I used 0x05 variable which is not on my list and now I can boot Mojave and HS. I think I needed minimum of 0x03 or 0x04 for latest HS but it would only load graphics every couple reboots. with 0X05 setup_var mojave boots every time with full acceleration before that it would stop or reboot at graphicslock state
  7. what version of windows did you run toolkit? also did it complain about a virus? I tried it on windows 10 but I could not even run it because it stated the file was infected
  8. I dont think mine showed 160mb either but I used 0x05 for set Pre-Allocated you can also try this latest clover Clover_v2.4k_r4612.zip one question... how did you extract rom for the dell bios. the best I could get out of the .exe was an .hdr file
  9. can you try this latest clover Clover_v2.4k_r4612.zip
  10. do you recall if you used an MBR patch or installed clover as legacy? was your windows 10 installed for UEFI?
  11. can you try setting DVMT to 160mb instead of 64 i had to do that for mojave but that machine has skylake... 160mb minus the 32mb stolen ram makes DVMT= 128mb also if your doing DVMT through shell disable all kext's like IntelDVMTFixup and patches including DSDT ones if you have any relating to DVMT you might also have to not inject intel graphics i am not sure if that's also the case for 10.13.6
  12. i guess just rename your efi/clover/acpi/ patched folder to something else and retry booting inside that folder is where you have those ssdt's
  13. https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/334899-guide-intel-framebuffer-patching-for-mojave/ there have been some developments you might want to try
  14. don't forget to select/add APFSdriverloader.efi also remove RC scripts option as it can save and load variables to nvram. the rc scripts are meant for emuvariable and legacy clover
  15. can i ask why do you have 39 SSDT tables? and where did they come from? from the picture it looks like it is not using 27 of them. try dropping all of them and booting. maybe then it will boot.
  16. do you have apfs driver loader or apfs.efi in clover drivers64 you also need HFSplus.efi or vboxhfs to see the recovery and installer partitions as they are still HFS format
  17. sometimes works sometimes does not sounds like you might have different audio kexts in different locations or you're having a cache issue.
  18. I think you press F3 to see hidden volumes if you have installer hidden in clover config.
  19. if you have a modified DSDT try booting without it. at clover GUI press letter O and in ACPI section for bios name select BIOS.aml or type it in depending on how old your clover is.
  20. for my Optiplex 7050 with Skylake I5-6600 HD530 graphics setup_var 0x795 0x03 worked for HighSierra
  21. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/mbr-to-gpt
  22. I am not sure how you might have.... it was just a question. if it is encrypted that might be the reason it is locked. or maybe the drive was password protected before from bios. I would not know this only you would.
  23. i believe the new requirements in mojave are BT 4.1 for handoff and continuity
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