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Baio77 last won the day on February 3 2024

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Community Answers

  1. I2C OK https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qsZ99hnpHO857NyD4ZjQ-1G_oA17IbKG/view?usp=sharing as you can see the device is loaded, excellent result. Using SSDT or Device properties makes no difference, the purpose is the same. In SSDT I2C I passed you, TPDM = Zero ACPI strength, if you use Polling remove that part, just leave Name(USTP, One). VGA cable not compatible with hackintosh, you must work on HDMI or DP outputs.
  2. Attach ioreg log, thanks. Test this SSDT-I2C. Remove SSDT - TPDX
  3. Try this config in USB maybe it might not start, ioreg if it starts and if so pass me the entire EFI https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13AS76LDgQREDDgBh0G8b1Srx9hHw28Vn?usp=sharing
  4. You probably need some ACPI patches to improve the TPD1 touchpad. Check your trackpad settings carefully both in config and in EFI\OC\ACPI, try to make only TPD1 work, if so, pass me the ACPI + ioreg folder and I'll see what you can try
  5. Truly, TPDX which is a rebuilt device should be turned off, to the advantage of TPD1 which is the native device
  6. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WFRVB2CHSM_xYcUXEeQoaUblyPcdjJ7o?usp=drive_link test this EFI in USB if start ioreg
  7. My EFI was made after original ACPI study extracted from your Bios. On the left of the image of the Ioreg file is mine, on the right is ioreg of your efi. As you can see, drivers are missing. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MSdsHwmh33IbMKBb5xiOhy6EIx8ILHzg/view?usp=drive_link In your I2C1 you need USTP=One the solution https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mdvr9B__e6_rMnogkgPyur21gCyeF-4N/view?usp=drive_link That's where I found the solution in DSDT https://drive.google.com/file/d/18502irmL24w8dD8Q0HXJL0U0BeR-oUAe/view?usp=drive_link If you carefully compare Ioreg of the 2 EFIs you will find the reason for the improvement you found.
  8. Test this SSDT or EFI if start new Ioreg https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JYM5IKu3FsL4Oh1xj6UBIq3m48TLSiSf?usp=sharing
  9. From Linux extract Dump with headphone jack inserted or not, if you have an external microphone in case a Linux dump even with external mic connected. I'm just trying to help you and understand how this kext works.
  10. https://github.com/Baio1977/AppleALC/actions alc test for X1 Tablet 3° gen . I created this layout by taking the layout69.xml of the alc 236 codec, I adapted it to the 295 codec and tested it, as if by magic the external microphone and headphones work and feel great. I lost the internal speakers but copy paste from layout77.xml codec 295 and as if by magic everything works. The quality of the integrated speakers is not of good quality but in my opinion it can be improved. My internal MIC is broken and doesn't work in any Linux/Windows OS. Try the kext compiled from github and see if everything works and close the request. Thank you
  11. Unfortunately I no longer have this PC in my hands. I generated new ACPI files for compatibility with the new Bios, but Ventura and Sonoma I was unable to install them for users I followed. I hope to get this PC back soon so I can fix this problem.
  12. https://github.com/Baio1977/DELL-Inspiron-5584 use this patch for I2C . Add SSDT I2C speed
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