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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Update Lilu.kext, IntelGraphicsFixup, AppleALC, IntelGraphicsDVMTFixup, Shiki, and AirportBrcmFixup. You can get them from my E7470_1.17.5_HS bootpack (better to just replace the whole kext folder with it) or get the latest from these links https://github.com/v...6/Lilu/releases https://github.com/v...KnownPlugins.md https://bitbucket.org/RehabMan/ Then replace with the new Config and DSDT/SSDT again. You could try doing this to the USB installer first and boot from that to see if it goes through before doing the same on the installed drive. You should also update Clover on the installed drive too before rebooting.
  2. Select to boot MacOS Install from Mac book again until it's finish installing...that's an extra step with all HS updates. vanilla guide found here
  3. Those are the files that needs to be restore. So running comboUpdate should restore them, if not then you'll need to grab them from another system with the same version. Best is to create a vanilla install, not from a Distro, and use the current EFI folder you're using now as the bootpack.
  4. Try this, boot back to system, replace the Config.plist and DSDT/SSDT to /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched. Make sure to remove and not merge E7470_andradejose.zip
  5. Oh boy, where to begin... Since you're using a Distro, you don't know what were added or removed from the image. Let's see the issue with the graphics. Looks like AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFramebuffer.kext is corrupted or missing. You'll need to restore all Broadwell kexts to /System/Library/Extensions. Either get them from a working OS X (same version of course) or try running combo update and see if it'll restore the vanilla files. AppleIntelBDWGraphics.kext AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFramebuffer.kext AppleIntelBDWGraphicsGLDriver.bundle AppleIntelBDWGraphicsMTLDriver.bundle AppleIntelBDWGraphicsVADriver.bundle AppleIntelBDWGraphicsVAME.bundle
  6. Can you try changing "Inject" kexts to "Detect" in the Config file? Reboot a couple of times and see if there's any difference after that.
  7. Right, all that are not working because you bypassed all the patches done with the DSDT/SSDT. Try repairing permission and rebuild cache and then reboot.
  8. Try going into Options when you see the Clover loader, use the right arrow to navigate Select ACPI patching-> Tables Dropping-> Go all the way down and deselect Drop all OEM SSDT Check all the Drop "SSDT-xx" below that Select Return Change DSDT name: BIOS.aml or anything other than DSDT.aml Select Return, Return Hit spacebar to select Verbose mode + debug 0x100 mode See if you could boot with those settings To extract DSDT/SSDT, boot with the USB installer. When you see the Clover screen, hit F4. Only takes a second, all done in silent in the background. Compress and attach /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Origin folder from the USB installer
  9. So keyboard and touchpad were working after first install? But stops after...? Follow instructions from here to debug issue gen_debug -sysprofile
  10. Follow instructions from here to debug issue gen_debug -sysprofile
  11. Try updating BIOS to 1.17.5. If that still doesn't work, then export new DSDT/SSDT for patching.
  12. Can you place it to sleep and then wake it to see if Keyboard / touchpad work?
  13. Replace the contents into /EFI/Clover and try again Post screenshot of error by select verbose + debug 0x100 mode E6440_A14_HS.zip
  14. That's information you should've given before I patched your files. I was just using the files you attached so no way to for me to know you have Kabylake HD 620 or 630 and ALC256. Glad you got it all sorted out.
  15. The Origin in your attachment shows your system has an Nvidia card. That would mean the files you've been using is not right for your system. Unless the files came from another system, I went ahead and patched it for HD 520 disabling the Nvidia. Replace the attached Contents into /EFI/Clover Might want to make a backup first 5480_disableNvidia_ChrisStocker.zip
  16. Make sure every time you update / change something, you need to repair permission and rebuild cache
  17. Try adding USBInjectAll.kext and the 15 port limit patch for the OS you're running
  18. If you used the pixel v2 patch prior to using the coredisplayfixup.kext, you might want to revert back to the vanilla state to use the CoreDisplayFixup.kext + Lilu.kext. Setting hibernatemode to 25 shuts down the system. Follow instructions from here to post relevant info, might get some clues to why wake works for you. Thanks. gen_debug -sysprofile
  19. Did you replace the Config files? When reboot, at the Clover menu, see if you have a different option to boot to. Could be the re-install is the bad update the goes in a loop. In the case you're able to boot back in with a different option, look in the root for a folder ( the name eludes me now) that's is the bad update, just delete the folder. Or Create you own vanilla installer. With Windows 288795-guide-creating-os-x-usb-installer-using-a-windows-pc-only with OS X https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8506-dell-latitude-inspiron-precision-vostro-xps-clover-guide/#entry74275
  20. 288795-guide-creating-os-x-usb-installer-using-a-windows-pc-only
  21. Hmmm, Distro is never a good idea... Anyway, your Config if totally wrong for your system, it's set to Skylake system and you have an IvyBridge. Your Clover is really outdated. See if you could reboot with the USB installer and then select the install drive to boot. If you're able to boot, then install latest Clover. Then replace the Config file with this Oops, forgot to attach file! config.plist.zip
  22. @shania, Tried you BIOS settings and Config file for my 7040 with HD530, but didn't have same success as you, it rebooted on wake. Oh well, more testing. As for your 4k issue, the CoreDisplayFixup + Lilu.kext suppose to fix that issue, but since it's not, you could look into the older solution https://github.com/Floris497/mac-pixel-clock-patch-V2 So looking at your Config, you should disable port 6 HDMI patch since it's a DP connection and not HDMI, you should have audio output without it.
  23. Are you using the latest Clover? Post Clover folder for review.
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