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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. HDMI could possibly be hardwired to the discrete graphics card You'll have to check it in Windows or something
  2. do you know what model is the touchpad? Post your system's full specs
  3. Enabling it does no benefits but drains the battery faster. Might even prevent sleep and wake
  4. Latitude 5480 has an Alps I2C touchpad, not the same, won't work. The E5550 should have an Alps PS2 touchpad, try SkyrilHD's version, although it should have been integrated into Acidanthera's. https://github.com/SkyrilHD/VoodooPS2-ALPS You shouldn't have to add any kext to /L/E or /S/L/E AppleALC.kext will have HDMI audio support too, you just need to patch the framebuffer for HDMI audio
  5. Use acidanthera's voodooPS2Controller should get rid of voodoohda and replace with appleALC.kext audio inject shows 11 but PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x0)\layoutid shows 28 Use one or the other but use layout id 11 or inject 11
  6. I don't think you need to move kexts to /Library/Extensions anymore, should load from the EFI/Clover/Kexts/Other folder If you have previously added any kext to /L/E, like FakePCIID*, remove them, rebuild cache and see if that fixes your graphics issue.
  7. You need to add USBToolBox.kext then UTBMap.kext. They go hand in hand. Not sure you need to rename Eusb to EH01, EH02..etc
  8. Don't think that option is available for this model, just need to disable it with SSDT. Haven't use Clover in year but give this a try. Attached are your modified config file and SSDT to disable the discrete card. Place it in your SSDT/Patched folder You should remove all these kexts as well: All the fakepciid* kexts NullCPUPowermanagement.kext VoodooI2C* IntelGraphics* If you're going to use VirtualSMC, you remove all the FakeSMC* or vise versa Determine what ethernet device it has, you have way too many different kext for it. Only add the kexts for what it has. HD5500.zip
  9. Try this, updated kexts and OC to 0.9.4 Lenovo_P50_OC_0.9.4.zip
  10. Is your display 4K? Can you set DVMT to 128MB? I remember there's a setting in my HP Elitebook with HD520, I can set it but mine is only 1080p display. Under Built-In Device Options in the BIOS set Video memory size 128MB if you can, make sure to disable framebuffer-stolenmem and framebuffer-fbmem in config file
  11. Not according to your IOReg file But now I see you have this in your Config file. Disable it or delete it PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0)
  12. Try disabling the discrete graphics card Unless con0 is connected the the Nvidia See if it can be disable in the Bios
  13. add this SSDT to disable the discrete graphics card SSDT-Disable-DGPU.aml.zip
  14. Post the efi folder + IOreg file using IORegistryExplorer.app
  15. Your USB kext is hardcoded to EHC1 and EHC2 UTBMap.kext one other difference is this \_SB.PCI0.PEG0.VID.MLTF = One to \_SB.PCI0.PEG0.VID.OMPR = One
  16. Differences between the 2 DSDT Rename EHC1 -> EH01 Rename EHC2->EH02 Rename ECDV->EC Rename GFX0->IGPU
  17. What Intel.plist? Attach your EFI folder for review Attach IOReg file using IORegistryExplorer.app v2.1
  18. Upgrade IntelBluetooth kexts to v2.20 and add IntelBTPatcher https://openintelwireless.github.io/IntelBluetoothFirmware/FAQ.html#what-additional-steps-should-i-do-to-make-bluetooth-work-on-macos-monterey-and-newer
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