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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Re work on your USB ports kext, might've left out the correct connector for the touchscreen
  2. post IOReg file using IORegistryExplorer.app v2.1 while HDMI display is connected
  3. Try platformid=00001B59 but keep device id = 16590000
  4. No, in the config file I added the patches. Go ahead and disable these since you already have DVMT set. If it still doesn't work, then increase it. framebuffer-fbmem framebuffer-stolenmem
  5. Give this a try, I see your audio and ethernet is also not working. I changed the layoutid and corrected the correct ethernet kext Archive.zip Post new IOReg file if it works. Might have other fixes needed
  6. Yes, post your EFI + IOReg file using IORegistryExplorer.app v2.1 Also post system specs
  7. Hmm, you have both VoodooInput enabled, surprise you're not getting a boot error. Anyway, try adding AlpsHID.kext
  8. Can you post full specs? If you have Windows running, run dxdiag.exe. Save, compress and attach it here. Which MacOS are you interested in installing? The 10th generation Intel should be the last to support MacOS, so you should be able to install Catalina -> Ventura
  9. Try cleaning the surface with a clean warm towel. Don't use any chemical /alcohol as it'll mess it up even worst.
  10. try this one, you'll lose gestures but hopefully fix the jumping issue. 2 fingers scrolling should still work Pay attention to the plugins inside the kext, no voodooInput.kext, so change config accordingly VoodooPS2Controller-Alps.kext.zip
  11. For Ventura, I had switch over to Dortania's voodoops2controller. You can switch back to the old version you have working well on previous MacOS.
  12. Files work ok on previous MacOS besides change the smbios and faking graphics?
  13. it has an Intel 8260 for wireless so you need the config-Intelwifi rename as config.plist If the wireless is not working, then you'll have to wait for more development, kext attached in the kexts folder is Alpha, not even Beta yet.
  14. Yeah, we don't support distribution here. Since you have an OS running, you can download a clean image from Applestore. Use the createinstallmedia command to create a new USB installer, keep the same EFI folder. Now you can do a clean install on the system
  15. This is what they are set to if you install the ThinkpadAssistant.app F1: Mute Audio (with Status LED indication) F2: Volume Down F3: Volume Up F4: Mute / Unmute Microphone (with Status LED indication) F5: Brightness Down / Dim F6: Brightness Up F7: Screen mirroring / Screen extending F8: Activate / Deactivate Wi-Fi F9: Open System Preferences F10: Activate / Deactivate Bluetooth F11: Show Destop F12: Open Launchpad FN+Spacebar: Toggle Keyboard Backlight
  16. Oh, so the laptop has a miniDP connector, no HDMI? if you want to use the rest of the Fn keys, see my T14 gen1 guide on my signature. Just need to add thinkpad assistant app
  17. post your EFI folder + IOReg file using IORegistryExplorer.app
  18. oc0.8.7 has latest kexts with BIOS A24 not sure what you mean by 0.12
  19. I have DW1560 working on Monterey and Ventura. Just need compatibility added back pci14e4,43a0 Not sure how you have have AirportBrcmFixup with version 2.1.6, my files have 2.1.7 but 2.1.6 should work. Looks like you're running OC 0.7.9 instead of OC 0.8.7 (latest) Upgrade it and see if it works better.
  20. Looks like Powermanagement is working too. Are the brightness control Fn keys working too? Sleep / Wake with lid open and close? HDMI / HDMI Audio?
  21. it's in the config file for the kext. Reason for the limit is to prevent it to load for any other MacOS other than Monterey. There's a difference version for different MacOS. Ok. I'll check the SSDT again to see why PM and PNLF is not working. Try replacing with this SSDT Post new IOReg file SSDT-L570.aml.zip
  22. probably need to patch IRQ https://github.com/corpnewt/SSDTTime
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