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Everything posted by Hervé

  1. There are 2 ways to indeed follow the AMD guide with Nawcom bootloader + USB key (8Gb minimum, 16Go+ is best) where an SL image has been restored (needs another Mac to do this): 1) Boot from CD/DVD with ModCD + USB key plugged in. Select the USB key when the various discs appear. 2) From another Mac, apply ModUSB package to the USB key containing SL restored image. You can then boot straight off the key and not use the ModCD, provided your PC supports booting from USB (most do for several years now). This is a good "general" installation method and I've tested it on an AMD Sempron-based Acer Aspire 7000. Installation process + end result were dissapointing (laptop running like a dead dog, even during installation, possibly due to lack of GraphicsEnabler), but it went to completion. If you do not have a Mac, you may try to copy the "boot" file + "/Extra" folder of Nawcom to the root of the USB key, then install a Chamelon boot loader on top of things to effectively boot from the key. Never looked at how to do that very last part I must say, I've always used my Leopard-based Inspiron 6000 when I needed a Mac at various stages.
  2. I did not need to apply the D430 BIOS password procedure to get sleep to work on my D630. I "only" had to follow the model-specific kexts installation, followed by Hibernation fix. That was enough. EDIT: I can close the lid or select Apple-> Suspend or press FN+ESC to put D630 to sleep. It'll wake when I open the lid or press the power button. Without this step-by-step procedure, I could put the D630 to sleep Ok, but it would immediately shutdown and restart with complete BIOS reset to default at any wake request.
  3. Try re-applying the EDP kexts for your model. I experienced the same issue (D630 would go to sleep Ok but would do a hard reset with BIOS reset on wake attempt) until I re-applied the kexts.
  4. Thanks, looking forward to it.
  5. Indeed, that's the way to correct this. I feel ashamed not knowing about this beforehand...
  6. Hi all, After applying EDP 1.9.2, I've noticed that "About this Mac" always reports RAM speed at 667MHZ, even though RAM actually runs at different speed. This is very minor but repeatable and verified with DDR2-533 and DDR2-800 modules. Prior to EDP installation, they were reported at correct speed but always at 667MHz after EDP model-specific kexts installation (D630 with Intel X3100 in my case).
  7. Hi, I wouldn't mind the guide. I'm keen to try on my overclocked i6000. I've got a spare HDD for it.
  8. I know this might be a bit long in the tooth, but would anyone think it be possible to install SL on an Inspiron 6000? The main issue is that it uses a PATA HDD interface, not SATA and AHCI is therefore not supported. I've had various attempts at installing SL, but no success so far. The best I get is with ModCD /Retail SL 10.6.3 DVD. I can start the installation procedure but when I launch the Disk Utility to reformat the HDD, things usually hang. Same if I format the disk beforehand and proceed straight with installation: I'll get past the disk selection phase but once installation starts, things get stuck at the white and blue progress bar. It's as if HDD access was problematic. Any ideas or suggestions? Mission impossible?
  9. Hi Clockwork, I'm guessing you're trying a USB key installation with MyHack. I have not gone back to that particular method (yet), but it should work like the others. I've succeeded with the 3 following methods: 1) Nawcom ModCD / Retail SL 10.6.3 DVD + EDP 1.9.2 2) Nawcom ModUSB + SL 10.6.3 image on 16Go USB key + EDP 1.9.2 (SL image being copied out to USB key via separate Hackintosh) 3) iboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded) + Retail SL 10.6.3 DVD + multifail Methods 1) and 2) are basically the same, it's just a different media base. Method 1) is a bit slower but does not require another Mac to create the USB SL image to load OS from. Installation is very straight forward and completes successfully with pretty much everything working (Intel 1440x900 subsequently require DSDT file to be able to boot SL on LCD screen). I believe that applying OSXL Bootpack to USB key of method 2), followed by DSDT file (for Intel graphics 1440x900) would result in direct success at completion (or maybe with copy of DSDT file to /Extra before reboot). Method 3) does require to include dedicated DSDT file during Retail OS load at installation. My D630, would not load DVD to installation process without it. But it reaches near success directly (I think I had no Keyboard after installation and had to load VoodooPS2 or ApplePS2 kexts). Keyboard or mouse freeze is probably due to incorrect kext being used, something I experienced too with MyHack and iboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded). An external USB keyboard does work at that stage however, so installation can be finalised and kexts addded. Do give us more details to try and pinpoint the issue (full laptop specs, installation method, OS version being used, etc.). In the end, it's not that complicated but, as I've found out, it does require a bit of precision and knowledge. It'll never be a dumb Windows-like simple DVD-load installation. We can all regret it, but that's life. More merit to reach success in the end...
  10. Hi Ufuk, I've just succeeded installation on my D630. Can you give us your laptop's specifications, namely graphics model (intel v nVidia) and LCD resolution (1280x800 v 1440x900)? As I've found out these last few days, there are some subtleties between models...
  11. Simeonoff's DSDT for Intel 1440x900 below: dsdt_d630_intel_1440x900.zip
  12. Yep, sorted. Respect! NB: I updated to 10.6.8 using the Combo Update package. It's important to: i) apply EDP 1.9.2 kexts/scripts after the update ii) copy the correct DSDT file (Simeonoff's) to /Extra after EDP model-specific kexts are installed
  13. Life is good and OSXL rocks! Thanks for the suggestions and Mega Up to Simeonoff for his DSDT table. SL 10.6.8 CPU clock & FSB aren't reported at proper/expected speed, but I don't care at this stage!
  14. Ok, it's all fixed thanks to Simeoneoff's DSDT (D630 Intel graphics @1440x900)! All working up to 10.6.8. Details here: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1388-d630-intel-screen-goes-black-during-boot-to-install-snow-leopard/page__gopid__9358#entry9358
  15. Ok, success at last!!! Rebooted with -x flag as indicated above. Downloaded EDP 1.9.2 and installed the following kexts for D630, Intel X3100 graphic card: - VoodooPS2Controller - NullCPUPowerManagement - SleepEnabler - VoodooBattery Then, chose to apply the following fixes: - Disable Hibernation - Touch /System/Library/Extensions/ Then, installed Chameleon SVN2.1 rev.1684 Then, launched Chameleon Wizard and applied the update that was immediately offered (I ticked the 'update more bootloader' option before doing the update). Then, I re-copied Simeoneoff's DSDT file to /Extra and indicated this DSDT file in the 'org.chameleon.Boot' tab of the Chameleon Wizard. The rest was left unchanged before I saved. -> System reboot, prayer, prayer, prayer......... SUCCESS!!! Straight boot of SL 10.6.7 off LCD screen. Yes! Might try the 10.6.8 update now...
  16. Haha, progress... Not full success yet, but big progress! I've downloaded Simeonoff's 1440x900_dsdt.aml file from the following thread: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/600-d630-half-screen-blank/page__p__3983#entry3983 I've unzipped the file to /Extra directory, so that it contains a dsdt.aml file (there was none before). At restart, boot fails miserably with black screen of death (hi hi hi, sorry, easy but couldn't help it!) If I restart with -x flag, success, D630 reboots straight on LCD screen and at max resolution. Most things appear to be working, except TrackPad or Audio. Can't be too far off now... Contents of my /Extra folder is: - com.apple.Boot.plist - dsdt.aml (new) - Extensions.mkext Extensions folder themes folder Contents of /Extra/Extensions: - AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext - ApplePS2Controller.kext - BroadcomWiFiInjector.kext - fakesmc.kext - IOAHCIBlockStorageInjector.kext - IOATAFamily.kext - IONetworkingFamily.kext - NullCPUPowerManagement.kext - VoodooBattery.kext Could there be a conflict between the new DSDT file and the existing com.apple.Boot.plist or that something else is now missing?
  17. A fairly easy way is to use Nawcom ModCD to boot the D630 from, then swap it with Retail SL DVD. This allows to install SL on the Hard Drive, albeit not a fully clean installation. SL will get installed but you will need to reboot with your D630 connected to an external screen before built-in LCD can be used. This requires to be on the original Dell BIOS. This method has the merit to allow to use the Disc Utility to make an image of the DVD, image that can subsequently be use to create a USB key with OS X Retail version.
  18. Hi, I've tried MyHack 3.1 + OSXL Bootpack USB key method as described in this other thread: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1375-d630-need-help/#entry9336 Not only does it appear fairly slow, but it ends up with blank screen after Apple-logo grey screen with spinning wheel. Difficult to move forward from there on and to know whether it gets stuck or not... I've tried your suggested option/boot flags but it ends up the same way: blank screen after a split second during which it goes grey. I attach pictures of the last messages displayed just before that (screen2 show very last messages before screen goes dark). There are 2 lines reporting an "invalid firmware" in relation to backlight. Could this be linked?
  19. Hi everyone. I too am encountering failure, despite several attempts. My D630 setup is: Intel C2D T7500 2.2GHz FSB800 2Go DDR2-667 RAM 160Go SATA HDD 5400rpm Intel Graphics (965GM) -> X3100? WXGA+ LCD 1440x900 Audio Sigmatel 9205 Broadcom 10/100/1000BT Broadcom Wireless Dell Bluetooth adapter Unmodded A17 BIOS (i.e. I tried the modded version, but results are worse with it) Installation attempted with Retail Snow Leopard 10.6.3 DVD. Initial attempts were with a HDD already set with Win7. From Windows, I reduced the Win7 partition to recover disk space and created a new main partition formatted NTFS. I made a USB boot key with Nawcom ModUSB + SL 10.6.3. Installation goes through Ok (I believe using legacy_kernel) and everything works at straight reboot of HDD (full video resolution, sound, keyboard, trackpad, wifi + 10/100/1000BT + Bluetooth + dual boot) except two main defects: 1) SL has to be booted with external screen plugged in and video output directed to it (FN F8) otherwise screen goes blank after Apple grey screen with spinning wheel. With external screen plugged in, screen reverts back to built-in LCD to provide initial Welcome Video/Normal boot completion (this is not reached with modded BIOS). 2) can only update to SL 10.6.7 (without single issue), but SL 10.6.8 causes unrecoverable boot failure. This is the closest I can get to successful installation! If EDP 1.9.2 kexts are then installed, I will just get blank screen on built-in LCD at end of boot, no matter what. I then decided to copy the bootpack to the USB boot key, thereby replacing ModUSB's Extra folder. The result was a system only partially installed: 1) built-in keyboard was not recognised, I had to use external USB keyboard. 2) after installation of EDP 1.9.2 and appropriate kexts + Chameleon installation, I only obtain blank screen at reboot! If I boot with external screen plugged in, built-in LCD remains black but external screen is usable (albeit empty because acting as 2nd screen). 3) only if I reboot off USB key and then select newly installed SL partition do I obtain full reboot on built-in LCD, but I cannot get full screen resolution and other stuff. 4) no installation possible on MBR partitions, I had to delete everything and opt for GUID partitions. I then decided to follow the Wiki's recommendation and, using previous partial installation, went the MyHack way. I deleted my USB boot key and restarted everything with MyHack 3.1 + Retail SL 10.6.3 DVD. It took a while, but new USB boot key was created and I replaced the /Extra folder by that of the Bootpack. Installation is then a complete failure. On pressing F12 to select USB key to boot from, I do get the Chameleon screen showing "My hack OS Install disk" from which system appears to boot. After some lenghty period of time, screen for to grey Apple logo with spinning wheel, but after some additional period of time, screen just goes blank! I've tried to use various options/flags to fix the issue (-x/-v/-f/PCIRoot=1/GraphicsEnabler=No), but no success. Could anyone provide a detailed step-by-step installation method for that lappy? How did those who succeeded manage to get SL 10.6.8 installed? Thanks in advance for your advises.
  20. Here's my dual boot method out of an existing WinXP D430 (U7600, 60Go HDD, 2Go RAM) that already had 2 partitions: 30Go main partition (C: drive - system) and 30Go extended partition (D: drive). 1) Emptied D: disk 2) Right clicked on My Computer -> Manage -> Disk management 3) Deleted D: logical drive + extended partition 4) created new main partition and formated NTFS (new separate D: drive) Proceeded with Nawcom ModUSB + Retail SL 10.6.3 USB-key installation, reformating newly created partition as OS X (journalised) partition. After completion and Chameleon installation, both OS X & WinXP partitions were visible on pressing [ENTER] at bootloader. Both systems were bootable. Easy!
  21. Sound sorted, God I'm ashamed! I had opened the laptop to check possible CPU upgrades (not feasible, CPU is soldered to the mobo) and forgot to reconnect speaker cable afterwards!!!
  22. Big up on this ageing thread! Hi everyone, Hervé from France here. I've been a Hackintosh fan a tad over a year having started with Leopard 10.5.8 on my overclocked Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop (which works like a dream). Tried to install SL on that one, but always failed miserably. My wife's got a Latitude D620 which I'm thinking of "converting" too. Same with my office D630 for which I have my own personal HDD to play with. I mean to set them up with dual-boot Win7/SL (or maybe Lion) one day. For the moment, I've got my hands on a D430 that a friend of mine asked me to check to see if I could get something out of it. Basically, it's running like a dead dog under XP. I got it with 1Go of RAM, 60Go HDD and a U7600 1.2GHz C2D CPU. I thought it'd be a lost cause, but I added 1Go of DDR2-533 to it and attempted SL 10.6.8... successfully thanks to this place! D430 was updated to standard BIOS A09 before starting. Here's my method: 1) damaged/broken middle ports meant the D430 only has 1 USB port left, so USB boot pen/key installation was sole way 2) made Nawcom ModCD/retail SL 10.6.3 USB boot key from Hackintoshed Inspiron 6000 3) installed SL 10.6.3 (ticked off printers + extra fonts + languages, rest was left at default settings) 4) rebooted off USB pen drive and selected newly created Mac OS X installation 5) at that stage: no sound, no wireless, basic 1024x768 video 6) downloaded EDP 1.9 off this site, copied to separate USB key and transferred to Hackintoshed D430 7) launched EDP package and proceeded to kexts installation for D420&D430 Dual core models: - VoodooPS2controller - NullCPUPowerManagement - SleepEnabler - VoodooBattery - Emulated SpeedStep - Latest Chameleon rebooted off HDD sucessfully -> full graphics 1280x800, wireless working, but /!\ no sound /!\ 9) installed DoubleCommand for Keyboard re-mapping 10) downloaded Ukelele and copied Logitech FR layouts into /Library/KeyboardLayouts, then selected as Input off PrefPane 11) proceeded to Software Update, including dreaded 10.6.8 update 12) re-applied EDP 1.9 kexts installation just in case 13) rebooted and was asked to install downloaded updates (I thought they had been installed) 14) Big GULP as I clicked "Reboot" 15) Pretty much a TOTAL SUCCESS at reboot!!! Working D430 under SL 10.6.8 Just need to try and fix the sound now. Thanks a million for this site and all its goodies, it's made my day! The D430 works really well under its new config. Much more faster than with XP, but there might have been a problem underneath there... Things that don't work... yet? - no sound - does not go to sleep when lid is closed or FN Esc is pressed
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