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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. robi62 did you turn on the feature to see it in energy saver prefpane so that battery status shows in the menu bar?
  2. there is also 1 site you might want to look at wich is our wiki.... nice declaration of intent by the way, it's impressive.
  3. turn off the ethernet card from within bios.
  4. repair your permissions with disk utility and try again
  5. make a new location if you can to see if it initializes the card
  6. yeah if it worked in snow then you can add it to lion
  7. have you tried from install boot disk to see if you can make an account
  8. have you installed edp? also check your bios and set it to default.
  9. use edp it helps alot. we pkged all the things you need to get started like kexts,chameleon,and other stuff
  10. if you use a guide partition you can resize partitions at any time. so you could have both SL and lion on the same hdd
  11. so how did you make the myhack installer?
  12. just putting kexts in extra does not load the kext you have to build an .mkext yes you need arch=i386 and you might also need cpus=1. there is a program called kext wizard which can help you with kexts
  13. no clue... but experiment and let us know the out come.
  14. sounds like you didn't add kexts to the installer's S/L/E or extra folder. try repairing the permissions of the install media with disk utility or repair the disk. worst case scenario you have a corrupt installer and or catch.
  15. have you played with the dock settings in bios? maybe its not shutting down the drive correctly.
  16. most of the time when you have a dell bluetooth 340/350 that does not seem to work and is enabled in bios it needs a firmware update for vista/seven from the dell site. if it was flashed for xp use then it will not be detected, needs activation from vista/seven..
  17. wait are you trying to upgrade it directly without modifying the lion.app? i don't think you can.
  18. edp runs on the "installed to" partition/drive so no it did not correct your issue. have you tried to repair the partition from the other working partition using disk utility?
  19. you should not have an issue using an external hard drive as long as it's boot-able.
  20. download combo update 10.6.8 and run it. then repair permissions. might still have the network issue though.
  21. yeah i get that at every boot from my d620-intel " single bank memory rtc 128" or something to that respect. but i haven't noticed an issue having the error. i think Simeonoff got rid of that error on the d630 dsdt.
  22. you probably need a better smbios file to allow purchase, try the one for your model in edp1.9. as for networking, use the kexts that worked for you previously 1n 10.6.7 - 10.6.0. usually its io80xx something family kext, ionetworkingfamily kext and iopcifamily kext all or some. depends
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