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Dell D630 Mountain Lion Install Guide


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Yep, you're spot on with your 2nd edit: boot off Nawcom's ModCD and install SL off retail DVD = temp platform to create myHack installer. Ok, it's not the shortest way, but it's one that does not require access to an existing Mac or Hack...

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Hello there,


after some difficulties getting the installation medium done I've managed to install ML on my D630.

It went through the installer. Then myhack asked me to remove certain kext's and I clicked yes. Like half a minute later it suddenly restarted without saying anything.


Now when I boot from the HDD it just gives me a multiple line boot error.


When I boot through the USB stick with myhack and select my HDD...

without bootflag it just tells me I have to restart

with -v it gives me a kernel panic "CPU 1 has no HPET assigned to it"^


Any ideas? Here's what I did:


1. Installed SL via ModCD

2. Opened myHack3.1.2 and created the installation USB stick for ML

3. Copied the Extra folder from this guide on the stick

4. Ran myFix on the stick (full, not quick)

5. Booted from Stick

6. Ran disk utility, formatted HDD

7. see above, removed the kext's then it suddenly restarted with the problems mentioned

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  On 11/24/2012 at 12:52 AM, Bronxteck said:

sounds like you did not get to point myhack to your Extra folder

go back into the myhack installer and open the myhack utility install extra point it to the one on the usb.


Actually, It did ask me for the extra folder at the end of the installation, shortly before or after the kext's removal. I'm trying to add it into the installation USB stick now as well because I only copied the folder+myFix'ed it. (Is it not the same by the way?)

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  On 11/24/2012 at 2:08 PM, Bronxteck said:

well it is always good to be safe. remember the the hdd also needs the extra folder since you will be booting off of it. and a myfix but it should automatically do that once it transfers the extra folder.


So, I've tried again. Made the clear installer. Then added the extra folder from this guide with myhack, after that did a myfix. Now... if I try to boot it i get the "CPU 1 has no HPET assigned to it" kernel panic again.

Also, If I try to manually copy content from the extra folder on the extra folder on my usb stick it tells me I dont't have permissions for that, even after authentificating myself.


When I finished the installation usb with myhack, what exactly should I do?

1. Do I myfix->install extra folder->myfix?

2. Do I have to manually copy content from extra folder from this thread to extra folder on the installation usb? If so, how do I do it? (permissions problems)

3. Is there a difference between manually copying and the install extra from myfix?

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Once you've created your myHack 10.8 installer, you need to re-run myHack again ans opt for the 'Create Extra' option. You will be asked to use a Generic bootpack or your own. Choose your own and point to the folder containing the bootpack you have previously downloaded.


You then proceed with installation on your HDD booting off your newly created installer. At the end of the installation process, you'll again be asked for the /Extra folder and you should point to the folder off your installer.


That's it.

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