The behavior is due to the SSDT-TYPC.aml
It's a patch to fake Express-card like behavior so that USB-C hot plug works.
Without it, you can only plug in USB-C device on boot. Once remove, it'll no longer detect.
I think you can remove that SSDT. It's not patch correctly anyway and might not be needed.
1st off, those files are from my E7440 bootpack with OC 0.7.4. It's clearly stated in the config.plist file.
At minimum, you'll need to switch SMBIOS to MBP 11,4, then you'll need to update the OC files and kexts.
Make sure to use the same version OC files if you switch to debug version
You can switch back to the original files but add verbose mode to the config file under Nvram->boot-args
the 1st Gen Intel graphics is not supported so it's a waste of time hacking it.
But if you still insist, you could check out the E6410 guide, however it's really outdated
run this from terminal, reboot and try
sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
sudo rm -f /var/vm/sleepimage
sudo pmset -a hibernatefile /dev/null
sudo pmset -a standby 0
sudo pmset -a powernap 0
sudo pmset -a autopoweroff 0
sudo pmset -a proximitywake 0
sudo pmset -a tcpkeepalive 0
Not much difference for the last 2.2.9 you posted. Very poor response. Both track stick and touchpad are not responding. When using an external USB, the left click does not work. Well, it'll finally work after a few minutes of clicking and tabbing.
did you even check the guide section?
I can confirm with Hervé's finding with v2.2.9 but when I'm using your version 1.0.7, the IOProbeScore is set at 6000 and working fine on my Alps V8. And it's more smooth than this v2.2.9
I remember you had to change the speed here to make it more usable for me on the V8