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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. @dsarch, I just use ApplePS2Controller from my E7x70 guide. This kext by Dr. Hurt doesn't support Alps v8 very well.
  2. Ok since the current files you're using are for 10.12.4 and up, brightness control shouldn't be working and might be the cause of sleep issue. Touchscreen is USB based, should be fine there. Try these files, downgraded to 10.12.3 and below Replace Config and DSDT, add IntelBacklight to /EFI/Clover/kexts/Other 3543_test-sleep.zip
  3. can you post IOReg IORegistryExplorer_v2.1.zip Could be maybe the touchscreen...need IOReg to determine Does sleep work when selecting from Apple Menu? So are you running 10.12.2 or 10.12.6? Files in Clover is for 10.12.4 and up, so if you have 10.12.2, try updating to at least 10.12.4
  4. so the external monitor connected is HDMI or DP? Does system have both HDMI and DP? Try leaving out FakePCIID_Intel_HDMI_Audio.kext AppleHDA_ALC256B.kext should be in /L/E or /S/L/E. Cleaner at /L/E. Try this DSDT DSDT.aml.zip
  5. Sure, it's similar to the E7470 model, you could start by following this guide You could also use the same bootpack, but leave out the ACPI folder. Once you have the USB Installer created, boot to Clover Hit F4 to extract the raw files, it's done in the background. Continue with the installation. Compress and attach /EFI/Clover/Clover/ACPI/Origin here for patching
  6. There's also 2 different bootpacks. To determine which one you should use, boot to Clover, hit F4 to extract the raw files. This is done silently. Now continue OS X, mount the EFI partition. Check /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Origin. Count the numbers of SSDT-xxx.aml If 14, use the alternate bootpack, if 15, then use the regular bootpack.
  7. didn't add anything, just remove _prw from XHC, EHC2, and EHC2 Does it work?
  8. Here, First delete or backup the DSDT and SSDT Leaving only SSDT-PNLF and SSDT-ALC256 Then replace these into /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched 7280_1.6.5.zip
  9. Hmm, your sysInfo show 10.12.2, not 10.12.6 try this DSDT...rename it or select it during Clover boot under Options DSDT-sleep.aml.zip
  10. Disable Legacy Option ROMs in the BIOS
  11. Follow instructions from here to debug issue Please run this command so we have the whole picture gen_debug -sysprofile
  12. Upgrade to version 1.2.1 Lilu.kext AppleALC.kext IntelGraphicsFixup.kext
  13. Re-export the raw DSDT/SSDT. If you're going to upgrade the BIOS, do so before exporting the new raw DSDT/SSDT by hitting F4 during Clover boot. Compress and attach the Origin folder here for re-patching.
  14. Which OS X are you planning on installing? You could start with creating the installer following this simple guide High Sierra is at the last post.
  15. Repair permission and rebuild cache, then try booting without -f sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo touch -f /L*/E* sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E* sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U /
  16. Were you able to adjust the brightness or the screen just stays black no matter what?
  17. Follow instructions from here to debug issue
  18. Are we looking at the same guide? Here's the link to the bootpack I see SMBios.plist is already set to MBP7,1
  19. Follow instructions from here to debug issue
  20. @gius30 Follow instructions from here to help diagnose issue
  21. Hervé's D630 guide In post #3 you mentioned that you're following his guide and I assume you're using his bootpack. In the bootpack, there's a file in Extra call SMBios.plist. You can preview it by selecting the file and hitting the spacebar. You can also view the file with Chameleon Wizard
  22. If you're on 10.12.6 and higher, you can use ig-platform-id 0x59120000, fakeID IntelGFX = 0x59128086 If you're running anything below, then use ig-platform-id 0x19120000, fakeID IntelGFX = 0x19128086, FakeCPUID = 0x0506E3 In your Config, you're injecting 0x19320001 which is incorrect.
  23. Are you using files from Hervé's guide? Your SMBios should be MBP5,1 or MBP7,1 You should have USB_Injector.kext inside /Extra/Extensions, that should fix the "waiting for root device".
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