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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. What error did you encounter when you sleep or close the lid?
  2. Is there an option in the BIOS to set DVMT to 64MB? if not, then you could patch it by adding to the config file framebuffer-fbmem = 00009000 (data) framebuffer-stolenmem = 00003001 (data)
  3. try switching to layout-id = 77 if still not working, then try 3, 13, or 15
  4. Make sure to reset NVRam after the changes can you post new IOReg file?
  5. Replace the USB kexts with the 5520 files What's the display resolution?
  6. glad that worked for you you'll need to replace the wireless card, it's not supported
  7. your 5520 has the same CPU as my 5510 (skylake). Try my 5510 files instead
  8. give this a try Latitdude 3440 OC091.zip
  9. try the ssdt from my HP840 G3 guide. No issue booting windows 10 or 11 dual booting ventura. Why are you still using Win 8.1?
  10. Post your EFI file plus IOReg file using IORegistryExplorer.app with the HDMI monitor attached
  11. the screenshots do not matchup with the EFI you attached. There're no USBInjectall.kext or GoldenGate GUI. Try reset NVRam or create another USB installer.
  12. add SSDT-GPRW.aml + patch I assume this system doesn't have a discrete graphics.
  13. what's the wireless / BT device does it have? Post your EFI + IOReg file using IORegistryExplorer.app
  14. give this a try, replace config and add the ssdt's to ACPI folder BrightnessFnKey.zip
  15. @BillDH2k Correct, no need for Legacy Option ROMS beyond Broadwell system Glad you got it sorted out.
  16. @BillDH2k What model drive does system have? Certain NMVE drive are incompatible with MacOS
  17. works only if it's an M.2 2242 NVME SSDs
  18. Hello! Welcome to OSXLatitude.
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