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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Check all the folders in /EFI/Clover/Kexts for any other PS2 controller and remove it.
  2. How are you installing the kexts? and where to? Not familiar with Hackintosh zone. What loader does it use? Chameleon or Clover?
  3. Replace the VoodooPS2Controller in your USB installer. Boot with the USB installer, when you get to the Clover GUI. Select your Mac drive to boot. Hopefully then you could mount your EFI and replace it then. There's a debug file found in /EFI/Clover/Misc
  4. Don't need DSDT for mouse to work. Are you currently using an external mouse? Go to preferences and see if trackpad is detected. Also check to see if the kext is loaded by going in the terminal and run kextstat | grep VoodooPS2
  5. Try adding that and boot without cache mode. Yes VoodooPS2controller seems to cause KP on 10.11.4/5
  6. in Options, under Boot Args: add to the end cpus=1 You could try taking the drive out and mount it in another OS X and then replace it, but you'll need a converter to USB.
  7. Looks like you're using a non vanilla install method. Check your system for other PS2 kext that might have been installed. Look for ApplePS2Controller, AppleACPIPS2Nub, and VoodooPS2Controller. Remove them and then just re-add the one linked earlier. Repair permission and rebuild cache.
  8. what model is this? Please include full specs. From the look, you have a Broadwell system with HD5500 graphics and it's not loading. You'll have to use UEFI shell to change the DVMT pre-allocation to 96MB as the requirement or patch the FB to bypass the check. See the prerequisite from guide here.
  9. Look in here or google should get it too.
  10. DW1550 comes with both supported wifi and bluetooth. Just need to install a couple of kexts to load the BT firmware and fake the PCI ID to use AirPortBrcm4360 natively.
  11. Make sure have AHCI set in the BIOS and HFSplus.efi in /clover/drivers64UEFI
  12. Does the trackstick scrolling work with this version? I don't think bpedman's version does until sontrg and yeahoon has updated them. If you could fix that version, that would be ultimate.
  13. When you boot to the Clover GUI, hit the spacebar. Then select boot without cache mode from the drop down. If it still reboots then, you'll need to boot with the cpus=1. You could add that under Options. Then replace the voodoops2Controller with this version.
  14. Try plugging in power adapter before waiting. If it's anything like my M6800 with nvidia. Wakes fine while on power adapter, but wake to a black screen without.
  15. Enable legacy rom in the BIOS. Sound should work if your cache is working properly. Boot without cache, repair permission and rebuild cache. Reboot in normal mode.
  16. latest El Capitan is 10.11.5 The FB version is 10.14.66. I see you have a version 10.8.77 in Kexts/Other/LE. Is that the same version you have added to /S/L/E?
  17. which version of El Capitan you are installing? Have you tried booting without cache?
  18. No, must be in /S/L/E of the USB installer and later to the installed drive it error still occurs
  19. You'll need a hex editor like Hexfiend. Copy AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFramebuffer.kext from /S/L/E to the desktop. Right click and select show package content Select Content and then MacOS Right click on AppleIntelBDWGraphicsFramebuffer and open with Hexfiend Do a search for 4139C4763E and replace with 4139C4EB3E Save the binary and exit all the way out. Install the patched FB to /S/L/E with your favorite kext utility (i.e. Kextwizard) ..don't forget to make a backup of the vanilla kext Reboot
  20. Bootpack can be found here, make sure to replace DSDT with the updated one with Batteryfix. For the DVMT pre-allocation, set it to 96MB in EFI shell, check the prerequisite instruction here. If you find that your BIOS is locked and can be edited, then the Clover hot-patch is not working as you do have it in your Config file, then only option is to manually patch the FB.
  21. In my experience, if I downgraded from A16 to A11 directly, artifacts still occurred. I had to downgrade to A03 to reset something...unsure what. Then I could upgrade to A11 and artifacts are gone. In some Dell, I'll get an error if I jump from one BIOS version to another, stating a prerequisite version in between before I can upgrade to that specific version, if that makes any sense. So if you don't encounter any artifacts from A16 to A11, then you don't need to worry about it.
  22. Are you still having issue or it has been resolved? Looks like you already have El Capitan installed.
  23. Make sure there's a vanilla AppleHDA in /S/L/E run this and post the output sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo touch -f /L*/E* sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E* sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U /
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