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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Try the DSDT found here or this one. Nvidia is disabled in those DSDT, you'll need to have Optimus enable for it to work.
  2. Sleep won't work with the NVS GPU. You have to disable it with DSDT and use Intel HD 4000.
  3. The guide can't be anymore simpler than that unless someone else does it for you. There's no cutting corners, you must put in some work. Bootpack should get you audio , keyboard and touchpad. WiFi will depend on what you have. If it has an Intel Wireless, it's not supported and need to be replaced with a supported card.
  4. You'll need to have a patched dsdt and kext for that. Are you using Clover or Chameleon Enoch branch? Do you have a patched DSDT?
  5. Interesting, I thought the brightness kext won't load until OS X is started. Glad you have sorted that out. Yes, that's the same as my E7450. DW1560 works perfectly. Just need a few kexts and hot patches to make it work. HDMI audio, is that working sporadically only still?
  6. Most likely it's not loading the graphics. You'll be able to tell by booting without cache or in verbose mode. To remove the FB, mount the USB Installer from your Mac. Navigate to /System/Library/Extensions of the installer and remove the FB or all of AppleIntelHDGraphics*
  7. You'll have to install Clover in Legacy mode, UEFI is not supported in the model. Remove AppleIntelHDGraphicsFB.kext in /S/L/E. After install, you'll need to remove it in the Installed drive again to be able to get to the desktop. Then install the patched graphics kext for your particular resolution. This is assuming you have the 1st generation Intel HD graphics. If you have the nvidia graphics, then you can ignore the above about removing the FB.
  8. I have not have any issue using same DSDT on different BIOS version, CPU and memory is not relevant. You generate a different SSDT for your particular CPU. If you like, you can extract the raw files from your current BIOS state and I'll patch it for you.
  9. Make sure you have the vanilla AppleHDA in /S/L/E. The dummy AppleHDAIDT.kext in /L/E. Boot without cache, then run the permission fix and repair cache until successful. kextcache updated critical boot files, requesting launchd reboot Finished
  10. Are you looking for a guide or bootpack? See here. Bootpack on post #2. Don't forget to check the Update section post #4
  11. Just backup Config.plist, ACPI folder, Kexts folder, Theme folder and HFSPlus.efi from Driver64UEFI. Update Clover and restore those back to the new install.
  12. run in terminal diskutil list /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *256.1 GB disk0 1: EFI EFI 209.7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_CoreStorage Macintosh SSD 63.5 GB disk0s2 3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650.0 MB disk0s3 /dev/disk1 (internal, virtual): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: Apple_HFS Macintosh SSD +63.1 GB disk1 Logical Volume on disk0s2 75DADC16-4B7F-4C7D-9660-10A1C2A9FC02 Unencrypted If you encounter virtual disk, see the red above, then run the following diskutil cs revert /dev/disk1 Reboot and install Clover again. Should go to EFI partition now.
  13. If you're using VoodooPS2Controller linked by Hervé oldHack, it's causing crashes after wake. I have to resort to ApplePS2Controller for now. Seems to be working fine for Hervé's models though but he's on Chameleon Enoch, not sure if there's any correlation.
  14. Can you send me the debug.log in /EFI/Clover/Misc
  15. Assuming you're on 10.11.4, you need to update the DummyHDA kext. See here Don't forget to repair permission and rebuild cache sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo touch -f /L*/E* sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E* sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U /
  16. that's how it suppose to look. As for HDMI, it's linked to the discreet card, won't work on the Intel HD 4600.
  17. Looks like graphics is not loading. Boot to USB installer, hit F4 at the Clover GUI. Then attach your Clover folder.
  18. Replace with this DSDT - rename it first DSDT - sleep.aml.zip
  19. Might want to revert to this generic mouse instead. Seems to cause strange reboot after sleep on my E7440 too.
  20. sorry, forgot about the VoodooPS2Controller issue. Boot with CPUS=1 and then replace it with one from the Update section, this one
  21. Try booting without cache and cpus=1
  22. Copy all the kexts from /Kexts/Other to /EFI/Clover/Kexts/Other Ignore or delete the rest.
  23. check to see if you have ACPIBatteryManager in /EFI/Clover/Kexts/Other or 10.11 Latest version is 1.60.5
  24. Use DPCIManager to find your devices. If it's an Intel, it's not supported.
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