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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Sorry, looks like this model only support MBR formatted disk unless you have a modded BIOS. First format USB with MBR, create the installer and apply MBR patch after. Assuming you're installing 10.11.5. The installed drive will have to be formatted with MBR as well.
  2. What wireless card do you have installed? What kext did you install to get it semi working?
  3. Check system log. Search for Wake Reason. It might give you a clue as to why it's not sleeping. Have you also try changing the hibernatemode to 0?
  4. Your Config file is corrupted. Looks like you try adding some AppleHDA patches, remove the 1st 3 AppleHDA patches should fix it. As for display issue after sleep, have you tried different ig-platform-id? Try 0x01660004 or 0x01660003 Brightness control, try Fn+Pause and Fn+scrollLock, works on Dell, can't confirm on Toshiba.
  5. The problem is with your BIOS version. You'll need to downgrade to A03, then upgrade to A12. Anything higher, you'll end up with artifacts like that. Won't work if you just downgrade to A12, must downgrade to A03 first, then A12. If you get error to upgrade from A03 to A12 directly, then go from A03 -> A08 -> A12.
  6. You need to compress it or zip it before attaching.
  7. Start with my instruction above first, see how far it'll go. We'll tackle the nvidia later when you get the extracted raw SSDT/DSDT. If you can't get it to boot, try adding to boot option nv_disable=1
  8. In my bootpack, under kexts/other/LE are 4 kexts. You need to copy them to /Library/Extensions and then run the permission fix and rebuild cache. EAPDFix in the bootpack should fix the sound issue after sleep. If you're on 10.11.4/10.11.5, you need to replace AppleHDA_ALC293 found in the Update section in post #4. If you were using VoodooHDA, make sure to remove it and AppleHDADisabler, also restore the vanilla AppleHDA to /S/L/E if you removed it.
  9. Nvidia is not supported so it'll have to be disabled, but you'll lose HDMI connection. To get started, follow my Clover guide. Install Clover using legacy mode Install Clover in the ESP Bootloader/Install boot0af in MBR CloverEFI/CloverEFI 64-bits SATA Use the E6220 bootpack in post #2, but leave out the SSDT/DSDT in /EFI/Clover/ACPI/Patched. Boot to Clover GUI, hit F4, then hit the spacebar to select boot without cache. Post any issue you may encounter.
  10. You could still install El Capitan with Legacy Clover mode. What's the display resolution?
  11. Yes, you'll need a minimum of 3 kexts, a 4th if these 3 don't work BrcmPatchRAM2 FakePCIID FakePCIID_Broadwell_wifi Install all to /L/E or /S/L/E, repair permission and rebuild cache. Add the following to Config.plist under KextToPatch to enable Hand-off and 5 GHz <dict> <key>Comment</key> <string>Hand-off (10.11)</string> <key>Find</key> <data> SIX/dEdIiwc= </data> <key>Name</key> <string>IOBluetoothFamily</string> <key>Replace</key> <data> Qb4PAAAA60Q= </data> </dict> <dict> <key>Comment</key> <string>Broadcom 5Ghz US</string> <key>Find</key> <data> QYP8/3QsSA== </data> <key>Name</key> <string>AirPortBrcm4360</string> <key>Replace</key> <data> ZscGVVPrKw== </data> </dict>
  12. Yes, if you have confirmed it has the M.2 connection on the system.
  13. HD 3000 is definitely supported in El Capitan. Nvidia will have to be disable either through the BIOS or with DSDT edit. Does the system support UEFI? Is your Windows installed in Legacy or UEFI mode?
  14. If you have the M.2 slot for wireless, go for the DW1560. Works perfectly on OS X.
  15. run it again and see if it changes. iGPU P-states could be a bit better.
  16. Yes, you'll need to generate SSDT for you CPU. See my E7450 guide with link to the beta version of SSDTPRGen.sh. After that you could check by using PikerAlpha's AppleIntelInfo.kext
  17. Have you tried bootpack from here? Also check the update section below it (post# 4) for any updated files.
  18. sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo touch -f /L*/E* sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E* sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U / You should go ahead and update to the latest Clover
  19. Take a look at this. There's a patch for sleep issue. It's for model with Nvidia graphics, but the patch is for USB, so it might apply too.
  20. I assume the issue happened right after sleep...correct? Make sure you have EAPDfix & CodecCommander installed.
  21. Make sure you have the Vanilla AppleHDA in /S/L/E as well. When you run the the repair, did you get a successful output? You might need to add CodecCommander or EAPDfix when you lose audio after sleep. That's what I'm assuming you're encountering.
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