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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. @denkteich Give this a try Latitude 5510 OC 0.6.7.zip
  2. Yes I posted this some 4-5 years ago on my guide here since Sierra, not sure it affects El Capitan or not. Been too long. You could try EDID to fix it
  3. It should have a new boot option to select Install from the SSD, not install from the USB Installer
  4. After the reboot, make sure to select the USB installer to boot. At the OC Picker select the new boot option "Install MacOS..." to continue the installation. Will 3-4 reboots before it's completed
  5. that file is for Latitude 5300 (Non 2in1) that I help setup, not 5400 you mentioned. Is that what you meant?
  6. As far as I know, this model does not have I2C touchpad, so not sure why you would try to add them. The attached Config has ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext, not VoodooPS2Controller, so I'm confuse. Which kext+plugins work for you?
  7. post your working files, I'll try converting to OC
  8. No need, I see the difference in the vanilla DSDT vs the Level patch DSDT. I made a typo here ^^PCI0.LPCB.EC0.WRAM (0x0448, Local1) should be ^^PCI0.LPCB.EC0.WRAM (0x044B, Local1) See if that makes a different, you're right, there's no rename needed
  9. Don't know, never tried it, don't have the adapter to try either. Post your finding if you have. My E7470 has HDMI and miniDP and they both work.
  10. Do you have the files and IOReg file for that so I can examine?
  11. According to dortania's guide, it's supported. Are you trying to connect to a hidden network? If so, it won't work, replace it with itlwm + Heliport.app Yes, there's a trade off with the I2C kexts. Touchpad works but loses the buttons. So far no fix for that.
  12. So I assume the bootpack works since you're able to get to this far. The behavior is known for my Latitude E7470 as well, and the work around is exactly how you describe it or place system to sleep/wake before connecting external monitor. You could try EDID patching
  13. Hmm, I usually kept it as a carry on, never place a laptop or something so fragile in a checkin luggage.
  14. Use this one. If you have an IntelWifi, use th Intel Config and rename it to Config.plist E5470_OC_0.6.7.zip
  15. Try this. FnKey combine with 16Level SSDT-FnLevel.aml.zip
  16. Sounds like it might be a loose video cable or LCD is going out.
  17. Try different VoodooPS2Controller, there's Dr. Hurt's, there's 1Revenger1's and acidanthera's. For the dock, you'll need to test patching the framebuffer. Read about Whatevergreen.kext
  18. Did you select Config-IntelWifi and rename it as Config.plist? I assume you have the Intel Wifi, not a Broadcom Make sure to reset NVRam at the OC picker
  19. Ok, seems to be some confusion here. I was assuming you were using my OpenCore file for Big Sur. My Clover files is not going to work. Replace the whole EFI with my OC bootpack. If you have an Apple and Microsoft folder, make sure to add that to EFI as well.
  20. Confusing files! Your Clover includes both Intel and Broadcom kexts for Wifi Your OC file are from Latitude 5300, although work for you luckily, but too much unnecessary kexts for I2C which might be causing your issue I make a new set of files for you using OC 0.6.7 Assuming CPUFriendDataProvider and USBPorts from your Clover files are configured for your system, I'll adding them to the OC bootpack. Select Config-Intel.plist and rename it to Config.plist since you mentioned your wifi card is Intel Latitude_5490_OC_0.6.7.zip
  21. that really poor quality, can't see what going on there If it's lilu or whatevergreen, try switching to an older version
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