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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. can you post a screenshot of the error?
  2. At OC boot picker, hit space bar and select Reset NVRam
  3. Did you replace the whole EFI folder or just updated the kexts files?
  4. You may only have 2 fingers scrolling, 2 finger right click and tap to drag, and basic mouse movement. Not much support for the Alps I2C touchpad I'm afraid. You should enable DellSMBIOSPatch in the Config file to fix the truncated smbios name as shown in your IOReg file. For HDMI, try deleting framebuffer-con1-busid, not sure that's needed.
  5. The files will work on Catalina as well. On my install, I don't see those issue you're referring to, perhaps something is wrong with your installation. In that case, you could try a clean install of Big Sur. Not sure if your Catalina install was Vanilla or not. While you have a running system, you can try downloading a clean Catalina app and recreate the installer and keep the EFI or Big Sur and test the installation and see if it makes a difference. I admit the Alps kext is not perfect, but it should not produce the issue you're describing.
  6. Add this SSDT and rename patch to Config file Comment: Rename GPRW to XPRW Find:47505257 02 Replace:58505257 02 If still not work, go into BIOS and disable wake on LAN / Wifi SSDT-GPRW.aml.zip
  7. This system does not have an I2C touchpad unless you have a touchscreen which should be USB based anyway. Give my files a try, it's OC, not Clover though. If you prefer Clover, it's 2 posts up.
  8. Post your OC folder and IOReg file using IORegistryExplorer v2.1
  9. I don't own a 5490 or 7490, but there's no reason why it won't work. You'll need to switch to OpenCore, Clover is a lot harder to configure correctly for BS.
  10. Oops, sorry. Here use mine here.
  11. Try this one, but change SMBIOS to MBP13,1
  12. That would be a NO. As I said, the most gestures you'll have are what I listed. You could try configuring keyboard shortcuts. You can also try Karabiner-Element's app
  13. You can try 1Revenger1's VoodooPS2Controller which suppose to support Alps touchpad v7. If it doesn't work, then you can try Dr. Hurt's Alps touchpad, most likely won't work either. Even if it does work, you'll only get simple movements. Only gestures you'll get is 2 fingers scrolling, tap and drag, 2 fingers right click, left mouse click, and trackstick scrolling. I just use Acidanthera's latest VoodooPS2Controller, gives the same function except for trackstick scrolling which I use smart scroll.app to fix that. There will be no preference pane either but it works well enough for me. Mouse movement is more smooth than any of the Alps touchpad kext that are out there now.
  14. Might be issue with your MacIASL.app. No issue on my end. I'm using 1.59 on Catalina.
  15. I'm using the same version to compile without error. I set the compiler to "Stable", but no issue either with dev or legacy SSDT-fnKey.dsl.zip
  16. Uncomment this line on the second code should fix it //External (_SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_, DeviceObj)
  17. You can't just convert them from that. You need the vanilla DSDT and the patched DSDT (make sure it works) to compare the 2 to make the SSDT. Of course the vanilla DSDT must be without error, save that and then apply the patches and then save that as a separate file. The patched DSDT should only include those patches you mentioned above. Add this DSDT to your OC install, if it work, then it's safe to compare them to make the SSDT.
  18. You should know your hardware better than anyone else. As far as I know, you should be able to replace the drive. I don't think it's embedded (soldered in).
  19. The kext ordering for IC2 is not correct. Move VoodooI2C down between voodooIput and VoodooI2CHID, that should fix it. As for booting order, try setting the order in the BIOS boot Option. Move Windows Boot Manager to the top, above OPENCORE.
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