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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Trackstick scrolling works! Awesome job. Here's my finding using the trackstick and the left and right mouse: Scrolling is reverse ( up goes down and down goes up) Side scrolling is also reverse ( right goes left and left goes right) Sometimes the single clicking with the left mouse, it acts like double clicking So far tested on E7440, will update on other models
  2. I'm running 10.9.1 on an E6420. I have version 2.60 in E/E and delete AppleHDA in S/L/E. Mic is working. Make sure to run myfix (quick), if not, try full.
  3. Yes, I have this too and like it a lot. Try this version of AppleHDA. Can you confirm if you got full QE/CI?
  4. give it a try, the touchpad should work
  5. Try removing voodoosdhc, it breaks sleep in some of my systems. Just noticed you don't have AppleHDADisabler when using VoodooHDA, did you remove AppleHDA in S/L/E?
  6. This is very usable for the trackpad. Tested on E7440 and E6230. Will wait to see what you can do with the trackstick scrolling.
  7. yes, picks up and connects to wep/wpa/wpa2... should work on any system that don't have whitelisting. It's works on my Lenovo, but I have a modded BIOS to remove whitelisting. As long as it holds a half size mini card.
  8. No kext require, OSX picks it right up. Just do a search for pw934 or DW1510
  9. I have DW1510, and it works OTB. There are others (Atheros) in the compatibility list that has BT as well.
  10. Jake Lo


    you need to copy the modded kernel to your HDD
  11. Does the power button blink when it goes to sleep? To wake it, just tab on the power button again.
  12. Awesome. Using the release version now. Thanks for the quick fix. Jittery is mostly gone. Only a little jiggle if I have a second finger hovering too close when I move the mouse around the page. Will wait for your fix for the trackstick scrolling. This will work great for the E6220, E6320, E6230, E6330 which don't have the trackstick.
  13. I patched Allen_N's DSDT. Added device PNLF and change the layout ID in HDEF for audio. This should fix the sleep with lid close and AppleHDA. You'll have to remove voodoohda and AppleHDADisabler and re-add my AppleHDA. dsdt2.aml.zip
  14. Hi Sontrg, Tested your kext on the new E7240/E7440 with Haswell. ALPS Device with ID E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0x08 0x22 I'm currently using the debug version. What works: Side scrolling 2 finger scrolling Still seeing issues from the original kext: The trackstick jumps diagonally to the right when used - (fixed in Yeahoon's kext) Trackstick scrolling doesn't work (using tracking and middle button) - (fixed in Yeahoon's kext) Page jiggles after you scrolling with touchpad Thanks for continuing with this kext. Would it be possible if you could fix the Z value for this version here by Yeahoon? The z value is set for the Exx20's but not for the Exx30's which you have fixed. Also on his version, the debug works while the release version gives me KP on the Exx30's.
  15. run lspci -nn in the terminal, see if your ven/dev ID is in this list <string>pci14e4,165a</string> <string>pci14e4,167a</string> <string>pci14e4,1672</string> <string>pci14e4,167b</string> <string>pci14e4,1673</string> <string>pci14e4,169b</string> <string>pci14e4,1693</string> <string>pci14e4,1712</string> <string>pci14e4,1713</string> <string>pci14e4,1691</string> <string>pci14e4,1698</string> <string>pci14e4,16b5</string> <string>pci14e4,16b1</string> <string>pci14e4,1692</string> <string>pci14e4,1600</string> <string>pci14e4,1681</string> <string>pci14e4,1680</string>
  16. try deleting AppleHDA in S/L/E for sleep, try removing NullCPUPowerManagement move it to a safe location and replace AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement from my Extra do each step above one at the time, run my fix(quick) and reboot. if it doesn't KP after replacing NullCPUPowerManagement and sleep is still not working, test out my DSDT. Oh definitely use my SSDT as it's made for the same processor as yours, put it in Extra.
  17. Grab AppleSmartBatteryManager from my Extra. Follow this for your SD Card reader.
  18. Replace voodooPS2Controller in EE from my Extra I posted above. Also add AppleHDA for audio, I notice Allen_N's bootpack doesn't have any audio kext. run myfix(quick).
  19. Hmm, what did you do differently this time to get it to install?
  20. try booting with -f, see if that fixes your instance sleep during boot replace AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement with NullCPUPowerManagement if you don't want sleep
  21. try this bootpack, it's for my E6420 with the same processor. I believe you have 1366x768 resolution for your display? Extra.zip
  22. http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/files/file/79-bcm5722d/
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