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Everything posted by Hervé

  1. Don't know, that may depend on the trackpad/PS2 controller you're using. Did you also check if the parameter was enabled in the trackPad PrefPane?
  2. Or install the lspci binaries available in myHack... No info in BIOS at all?
  3. What's the audio chip or codec on the E6500? It may show in the BIOS information page, if not, a lspci -nn Terminal command or DCPIManager will list the hardware ids. Once you've identified it, you may easily patch the AppleHDA kext.
  4. Fn-UP/Fn-Down on the D630 throughout. No reason for this to be different on the D830, unless the DSDT was modified to that effect...
  5. Only compressed files can be attached. kext-dev-mode and rootless are defunct/useless boot parameters with ElCapitan. You have to use the CsrActiveConfig parameter to disable SIP or none of your add-on kexts will load...
  6. Then install SL with ModCD... Look it up on the forum or the web.
  7. The patch code would go into a DSM method within your Device (DGFX) section. You'll find hundreds of sample nVidia DSDT patches on the web. You'll find one such sample here for instance.
  8. Can't do much if you're not able to read what's written...
  9. To gain DVI output in addition to HDMI (no VGA support), apply the Azul Framebuffer patch detailed here.
  10. Since audio appears to be working with ALC269-patched AppleHDA, you may want to try adding EAPDFix + CodecCommander kexts to your system to gain headphone/jack output, including after wake.
  11. Are you sure you removed the IntelHD graphics kexts and cache as indicated in the guide? I'm not entirely sure as I'm seeing AGPM loading for Intel HD 8086:0046 on your screenshot... See post #53 and #56 of that thread.
  12. You boot off the USB driver right after Yosemite installation on your HDD/SSD because, at that initial stage, the bootloader is not installed on the disk/partition. Once it's installed, you no longer require to boot via the USB key.
  13. No, why? https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2120-inventory-of-unsupported-and-supported-wireless-cards/
  14. The D630 is a better machine (GM965 chipset vs. GM945, Merom/Penryn CPUs @FSB800 vs. Merom @FSB667, GMA X3100 vs. GMA950), but all Intel GMA chips of that era are only supported in 32bit kernel mode, i.e. up to Lion 10.7.5. It does not matter that CPUs are 64bit capable (other than being a requirement for Lion), there's no graphics support for those systems in 64bit mode.
  15. Guys, please use the Search facility! https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8721-10113-update-is-out/
  16. Sorry, my mistake. Intel Crestline = GMA X3100 so you're limited to good old Snow Leopard and/or Lion in 32bit kernel mode. Or ML with MLPF hack, but it's a little buggy and cumbersome to deploy. It's probably best to stick to the vanilla SL or Lion installations. Follow the myHack procedure as documented in the EDP pages available from the EDP menu at the very top of your screen. Use the packs available at the link I posted above.
  17. As far as I know, it won't change anything but go ahead and experiment. Best way to learn!
  18. I simply moved the PNLF device within the device PEGP.DGFX (for discrete GPU, i.e. the nVidia K1000M), but that may not work. In this attached 2nd patch, I've added connector type 0x0200000 to 1st NVDA port, the one used for the LCD display, to try and declare it as such. Again, no guarantee. DSDT_02.aml.zip
  19. The DSDT.dsl source code appeared to compile Ok, so I patched from that file. Try the attached. Rename your existing DSDT to something like "DSDT_old" and paste the attached as "DSDT". DSDT_new.zip
  20. Where did you get those DSDT and SSDT tables from? They don't compile without errors... Are these patched tables or are they just raw files copied there?
  21. Homework and studying required here... If you do not use an existing patched DSDT (DSDT.aml located in /Extra folder on Chameleon-based installations or in /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/patched in Clover-based installations), you can extract it from BIOS with tools such as Chameleon Wizard, DSDTEditor or MacIASL. Look these up on the web to download them. From Windows, BIOS tables can be extracted using tools such as Aida64. The IOReg is the collection of data related to the complete hardware arrangements of your computer. Difficult to grasp if you're not familiar with this or in the computer/IT domain. Download IORegistryExplorer off the web and save the output in a file. To post attachments, use the "More Reply Options" at the bottom right corner of a post/reply area.
  22. Can you post your DSDT and extracted IOReg? This may be due to missing or incorrect PNLF device attached to the discrete GPU in the DSDT. It can easily be added if required. It'll look something like this: Device (PNLF) { Name (_ADR, Zero) // _ADR: Address Name (_HID, EisaId ("APP0002")) // _HID: Hardware ID Name (_CID, "backlight") // _CID: Compatible ID Name (_UID, 0x0F) // _UID: Unique ID Name (_STA, 0x0B) // _STA: Status ... You'll find details of a similar (but probably not entirely identical) situation here.
  23. BIOS Info page displays the specs of your D630, most notably the integrated graphics card. The GMA X3100 will be shown as GM965 graphics, the nVidia as Quadro NVS 135M.
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