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Everything posted by Hervé

  1. I don't believe the driver supports ALPS V8 properly; seems to stop at V7.
  2. Can't see any of those new properties anywhere, no.
  3. Open up your OC config file with apps such as OpenCoreConfigurator, ProperTree, PlistEditPro or Xcode. In Device Properties section, add the necessary properties. 1) for Audio, i.e. device at PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1b,0x0), add: key: layout-id value: 12 type: NUMBER 2) for iGPU, i.e. device at PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0), add: key: framebuffer-patch-enable value: 1 type: NUMBER key: framebuffer-fbmem value: 00008000 type: DATA Save your config, reboot, execute Reset NVRAM at OC Picker and restart; that's it. See here for details.
  4. If you look into your BIOS Info you should see your audio codec. Afaik, audio codec of all E6x30 is IDT 92HD93; this works with Lilu + AppleALC kexts and layout-id 12. CodecCommander kext is usually required too. Your OC config is simply missing that layout injection, that's all. Graphics glitches are due to 16MB default Memory Size in the Capri Framebuffer and must be reduced to 8MB; just add the appropriate injections against iGPU at PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) in your OC config. See the various E6x30 guides already published on the forums and the numerous threads about E6x30 models with attached configs/EFI folders.
  5. The make does not matter; the chipset does. Did you consult the inventory linked above?
  6. AR5B22 is based on Atheros AR9462, a chipset that never was natively supported and required a re-written driver. Afaik, these cards never worked very well under macOS and, imo, are best avoided. https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/11138-inventory-of-supportedunsupported-wireless-cards-2-sierra-monterey
  7. E6440's TouchPad works perfectly with Dr Hurt's driver. https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/8285-refined-alps-touchpad-driver/ Other kexts not required: NoTouchID, noVPAJpeg, Apple1GB, HibernationFixUp, HoRNDIS, 2nd USBInjctAll_v0.1.7,
  8. Post yours, we'll try to fix whatever may be incorrect. add your system's specs too. Either in the post or, ideally, in signature.
  9. Just revert to what you previously had then. For Intel Wireless, please follow the ITLWM process available here: https://openintelwireless.github.io
  10. Looks like you re-used an existing EFI folder without modifying it to match your own hardware. You have an Intel wireless card so all those patching kexts for Broadcom Bluetooth are useless and you can remove them. Your config also contains many useless/inapplicable, sometimes overriding, properties injections; they're mostly cosmetic and should not cause problems but it'd be preferable to remove them to avoid all possible confusion and doubts on the matter. Better to stick to the essential and a minimal set of configuration before jumping into fancy stuff. Your boot issues probably result from incorrect quirks being set; do try and follow the Dortania guidance for Skylake laptops: https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/config-laptop.plist/skylake.html
  11. A simple line stating Intel i5-6300U CPU with Intel HD 520 graphics would have sufficed... Anyway, so it's a 6th gen Skylake model, not 7th gen Kaby Lake as you incorrectly stated; not a small detail or small difference for sure... As they state in the Dortania guidance:
  12. Ok, that confirms graphics initialisation issue and since I've just noticed you opted to inject IntelGraphicsFixUp kext for some reason, I suggest you remove that kext. It should not be required on an Ivy Bridge/HD4000 laptop.
  13. @tanzahost please refrain from posting in multiple threads about the issues you encounter hackintoshing your 7480; I suggest you stick to this one. Please post the exact model of CPU, that'll determine your exact iGPU model. Intel HD graphics is insufficient. Look it up in your BIOS info.
  14. I'm pretty sure that the error messages aren't an issue at all; it seems that you're just getting stuck at graphics initialisation. Not surprising if you're using that Yoga 13 EFI; it's just unsuitable. One thing I'd like to suggest is replace VirtualSMC & its plugIns by FakeSMC and its PlugIns. You can grab it in the various packs I posted in, say, my Dell Latitude E6230 guides.
  15. There are many existing threads about Latitude 7480. If anything else guys, do post your system's specs. Those laptops exist in Skylake and Kaby Lake models... And no double post please (post deleted).
  16. Check what SysInfo->Wifi reports in terms of reported connection speed and channel. It's probably worth experimenting with some of those AirportBrcmFixup boot args such as brcmfx-country=#a. https://github.com/acidanthera/AirportBrcmFixup
  17. The Wifi part of the wireless card is PCIe based whilst the Bluetooth part is USB used. As such, slow Wifi performance cannot be linked to an issue with USB port mappings. What you see in Hackintool is normal, it's the speed of the USB devices, not the speed of the ports themselves.
  18. I don't think it'd have any influence on Sleep/Wake but it certainly could on a boot time perspective but Samsung 970 Evo Plus was not natively supported unless firmware was updated; can't say which version but it'd be worth checking whether you run on the latest version or not: https://semiconductor.samsung.com/consumer-storage/support/tools/
  19. Quick answer before I get the time look at your posted EFI + IOReg. Too much RAM (32GB) -> No. Slow Wifi (capped at 250Mbps) -> you're probably on a 2.4GHz network; you'll have to hook to a 5GHz network to get beyond this and reach up to 867Mbps I no longer have a 7490 but, during the time I had one, sleep/wake/restart never were a problem at all. Must be some incorrect settings or issues with the kexts you inject. I suspect ACPI patches and/or CPU power management. Start by disabling those CPUFriend kexts if you copied then from a repo rather than generate your own data (always a bad idea for the data kext, it has to match your CPU and desired power settings).
  20. I've made many modifications related to ACPI patches, CPU PM, SIP, graphics, etc. Your posted folder shows no table in ACPI/Patched folder, yet your config called on at least 2 of them so I removed such calls. Please note that you should include tables such as SSDT-PNLF and, of course, your generated CPU PM SSDT (use Pike's good old and well-known generator script to that effect). SSDT-PNLF.aml.zip config.plist.zip You were calling on the HiRes Capri framebuffer 0x01660004 but that's for Hi Res LCD with a resolution of 1600x900 or higher. Given what I've found about your laptop, I've changed the config for the LoRes Capri framebuffer 0x01660003; that's what's needed for LoRes LCD of 1366x768. You're using MBA5,2 SMBIOS and that's fine looking at your CPU model but feel free to experiment with MBP9,2 or MBP10,2 SMBIOS if you're not entirely satisfied with CPU power management. You'll also have to do your USB ports mapping. You can look that up and do it on your own, it's not difficult. Please post your hardware specs if you need further assistance or, ideally, post them in signature like most of us do. It should be systematic if not mandatory...
  21. @lubeats I think there are a few discrepancies in your setup. For instance, you've enabled the ACPI patch that renames _OSI to XOSI but you've no SSDT-XOSI patched table that injects the new _OSI or replacement method. As such, that patch is irrelevant and may cause issues as well... One other thing I noticed in your IOReg is the absence of battery management driver under BAT0. This could be a potential cause for the reset on wake. I use mostly Clover and FakeSMC + ACPIBatteryManager kexts and that registers a driver under BAT0 in IOReg on all my Hacks. But I'll check my Toshiba laptop which runs under OpenCore.
  22. There's an additional parameter some people have had to use in Monterey (12.3.1 I think) for the DW1820A: brcmfx-delay. Meaning you need to inject AirportBrcmFix kext too but I think you do. https://github.com/acidanthera/AirportBrcmFixup/releases In the following post, OP set the delay to 27s, there's a good chance it'll fix your issue too: https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/17195-solved-e7270-freeze-trying-to-update-monterey-to-1231-opencore/?do=findComment&comment=114253 There is no firmware you can load on these cards except Bluetooth ones and that won't be of any help re: boot loops/freezes.
  23. Remember to reset NVRAM from OC picker when you reboot after pasting that revised config file in the EFI folder.
  24. You may donate your offered $50 to the site now rather than to me. See bottom of main page. Thank you, much appreciated.
  25. I suggest you read the Dortania documentation because you can't expect or rely on other people to do this kind of things for you... You may edit the config with a Text Editor or Apple Xcode or ProperTree app. You need to remove the # character (highlighted above) that comments out the properties injection for your DW1820A wireless card. ProperTree.zip
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