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  1. The problem that I am currently experiencing is that the internal display is not functioning the way it should. The internal screen becomes partially fragmented after boot or black without injection kext made with Hackintool. Although the internal monitor is not functioning correctly, when I connect an external monitor (with FHD resolution) during/before boot It becomes fully functioning. If I connect it after boot then the screen will become less fragmented (will only fragment when there is a lot of change on the screen) and only fully functioning with mirror display option enabled. Here is a link to my repo with the current OpenCore setup. Here is the kernel log. DSDT dump DSDT.zip
  2. Hey all, recently been trying to get Mojave up and running on my e6230 following this guide, using this bootpack and using this DSDT file (which fixed my sleep on lid close problems). I'm happy that most everything is working so far (besides the battery indicator seeming inaccurate although I haven't had time to fully test it yet), except for one problem -- I can't change the screen brightness at all, with the option missing altogether from System Preferences > Displays. I've attached my debug report to this post, hopefully it'll help you guys out. Thanks a bunch in advance. debug_24781.zip
  3. Hello all, first post here ! This forum is a really impressive ressource. I have an Optiplex 9020 USFF on which I successfully installed Sierra by following Jake Lo's excellent guide, and everything seems to work as it should, except for waking up from sleep : it seems to wake up alright (produces system sounds, at least) but the screen stays dark and the only way to get back to a usable state is to turn off the machine and start it up again. The config.plist from the 9020 bootpack (I used the one for A20 BIOS, even though I have the newest BIOS installed) already has darkwake=no as a boot parameter. I am rather new to this, so here is exactly what I did : 1. Installed Sierra on a flash drive with createinstallmedia 2. Installed Clover for UEFI on the flash drive with only OsxAptioFixDrv-64 3. Merged the generic EFI + 9020 bootpacks 4. Replaced the EFI folder on the drive with the one just created 5. Rebooted into the installer and installed Sierra on the internal SSD 6. Installed Clover for UEFI on the SSD, same as (2) but with also RC scripts on target 7. Replaced the EFI folder from the SSD with the one on the flash drive 8. Copied the kexts from /EFI/Clover/Kexts/Other/LE to /Library/Extensions 9. Ran permissions.sh 10. Finally rebooted normally. Seeing as the 9020 bootpack already contains SSDT.aml files, I didn't generate one. As a I wrote, everything works well except that he screen doesn't wake up with the rest. My specs, in any case : Optiplex 9020 USFF i5-4670S 8GB RAM 120GB SSD The monitor is connected with DisplayPort and since it's a USFF model, it uses (flawlessly) the HD 4600 integrated graphics. Any idea ? EDIT : I upgraded to BIOS A22 and everything works now.
  4. Hello there, I own an ASUS N73SV laptop and have been trying to install Mac on it for a while. I found this website yesterday and eagerly started the installing procedure with myHack. Now, whenever I want to boot the installer, it goes like this; - laptop boots from USB - chameleon pops up, I enter -v (sometimes -x -f too, also tried GraphicsEnabler=No) - Mac (or chameleon?) starts loading all Kexts - screen clears, and new commandline screen pops up (the one with the bold, white letters) - everything goes well until it's done loading, the screen freezes at the commandline and stops responding until shutdown I've got Mac installers to succesfully boot with different distro's, and the USB installer I created is working perfectly on my PC, aside from not detecing my HDD's, but that's a problem I can solve myself. I thought it was the NVDA kexts that I had to remove, so I did, but still no luck. I'm going to try removing the AppleIntelHD kexts this evening/afternoon and see what it does. (with removing I mean I just take the kexts from the USB and move them to the trash, that's the way to do it right?) The compatibility page also shows this laptop as compatible (https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2933-asus-n73sv/). I got practically the same hardware, the only real difference is my screen being full HD, and I have 6GB RAM instead of 4. I hope you guys can help me with this, I'm coming closer and closer to having no idea what I should do. I'm still searching on Google what could help, if I find something I'll post it here.
  5. First post, long time wannabe hackintosher. Recently I've picked up a Samsung NP900X4D-A03CA laptop, which looks promisingly similar to the NP900X4C/X3C models. i5-3317U and similar (if not same?) BIOS's. First, I'd like to take time in advance to thank anyone willing to lend a hand Second, I've done a hackintosh install before using Hazard's Intel/AMD SSE2/3 distrobution, and although it wasn't pretty, I managed to hack away at it until it was fully functioning on an AMD Athlon II X2 240 processor. Fun times. Third, I'm definitely willing to provide logs, DSDT's, SSDT's, etc, etc. with a little guidance. No, there's not a working anything installation as I'm trying to make this soley an OSX machine, but I can definitely hop into a bootable Linux distribution of anyone's choosing should it assist us in pulling DSDT's or other ACPI data from the mobo. So, without further ado, here's the specs: Problem I've having is getting it to boot without the black screen Intel HD4000 problem. Here's what I've tried so far: Originally I started with Niresh's 10.9.2 customized ISO meant for both Intel and AMD systems, and it worked OK for the installation part. No boot flags required immediately from the get go, just pop the DVD into my external USB DVD Drive, USB 2 or 3 port works fine, boot up, install with default options. The problem is upon reboot, it hangs unless I use the GraphicsEnabler=No flag, and then it doesn't hang, but gets stuck at a black screen, probably trying to display over the micro-HDMI port. (I have ordered a micro-HDMI to HDMI adapter to help troubleshoot this.) I went back at least 8 times, selecting different SMBIOS.plist files, none of which helped in any way, and eventually booted into single user mode -s and was able to run their grafix backup all script to clean all the Intel kext files out. After that, I managed to get it to boot and login, although I had to do so as root because it skipped the initial setup screen...? Anywho, since then I attempted to use EDP, which failed because of other kexts already loaded from Niresh's, so I figured as I have a half-baked install, why not use it to download legit Mavericks and run myHack? Plug in USB for formatting, kernel panic! Needless to say, I ended up creating a myHack USB Installer at work on their Mac's, and used the NP900X4C compatibility pack from OSXLatitude, including your handy guide. Problem there is the installer would also boot to a black screen unless I used -x safe mode flag. (Yes, I did try the GraphicsEnabler=No/Yes and the IGPEnabler=No/Yes flags just for the giggles, neither of which helped.) I went ahead and installed it from -x safe mode flag boot, and selected the "/Extra" Kexts folder bootpack for the NP900X4C but upon reboot, it would start up, seem normal in verbose mode (no abnormal errors) until Mr. DSMOS arrives which is when it finishes booting and bingo bango! Black Screen. I have also tried the IGPlatformId=xxxxxxxx and IGPEnabler=Yes flags, they're not seeming to do anything different. I seem to be in the same pickle as this guy's thread and would love any assistance or insight's into my sillyness. According to the information @Stanislav was able to provide, the Samsung 900X3C/900X3D/900X4C/900X4D models all share the same motherboard, so technically speaking they should all be able to use the same bookpack or DSDT files, yes? (assuming the processors are all i5-3317U's as well) Anywho, I'll await patiently and see if we get anywhere, and do have Mac's at work I can use to keep making hackintosh installation USB's. Many thanks, Erik
  6. Hi guys, I finally installed Mavericks on my HP Pavillon Dm1-4136sf (with AMD E450 processor) When I start my pc with no bootflags, it will loop reboot. If I type the bootflags PCIRootUID=1, PCIRootUID=0 or -legacy, it displays the apple logo screen (with no spinning wheel). If I do the same thing in verbose mode, it displays text lines at high speed, and then the screen go black. Of I course I tried other combination of boot flags. I already had this problem when trying to install Mavericks, and I solved it by modifying the mach_kernel. (Check this post for more info : https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/6330-stuck-at-apple-logo-no-spinning-wheel/) I was wondering if the mach_kernel used to boot Mavericks is the same than the one which was used for the installation boot. If it is the case how could I do to make it boot ? And if it is not how could I do to install this mach_kernel in the main hard drive ? Thank you for your time.
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