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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. you can use Hackintool.app under Utilities tab On the bottom the second icon to the last.
  2. Add attached SSDT to Patched folder Install CodecCommander.kext to /L/E Repair permissions and rebuild cache If still not work, change audio layout-id from 56 to 11 in your Config file SSDT-ALC256.aml.zip
  3. Go to Accessibility / Pointer Control / Trackpad Options and enable dragging with 3 fingers. Now you should be able to drag and drop with 3 fingers like on a real Mac, no need to double tab. Latest version VoodooI2C and VoodooI2CHID are all you need. You can also remove VoodooInput from your list. Can you attach a new IOReg file? You can compress and attach it directly here by dragging it to where you see the clipboard, no need to use google drive.
  4. Try this, replace DSDT.aml with this one Add VoodooI2C and VoodooI2CHID.kext to /E/C/K/Other You can remove these since your ethernet is RealtekRTL8100 Remove these: AtherosE2200Ethernet, IntelMausiEthernet and RealtekRTL8111 You can remove AppleBacklightFixup as well, already included in latest Whatevergreen DSDT.aml.zip
  5. @PeterBoy71 @Schmeiser Catalina guide with BIOS settings can be found here
  6. https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/ssdtPRGen.sh or Launch your Config file with Clover Configurator. Under ACPI, on the right bottom, enable PluginType and change Plugin Type to 1 If you want me to verify if your Nvidia card is indeed disabled, post an IOReg file with this app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/black-dragon74/OSX-Debug/master/IORegistryExplorer.zip Launch, save, compress and attach it or attach a debug file
  7. For catalina 10.15.4, you need a minimum of Clover v5107 for this model.
  8. ALC3234 = ALC255 Try layout-id = 11 If still fails, try 3 Also you're using an SMBIOS of a MacBook, should change to an iMac or Mac mini.
  9. post IORegistryExplorer file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/black-dragon74/OSX-Debug/master/IORegistryExplorer.zip
  10. Try this one, set to lower resolution 1366x768 Replace contents into /EFI/Clover E5430_LoRes.zip
  11. @lucahappy You need to check if external connections are hardwired to the Nvidia graphics like the E6430 / E6530 / E6420 / E6520 that has them.
  12. You config already have the same working HMDI patches enabled as Max1974. Try switching your SMBIOS MBP14,3 to MBP14,1 as Max1974
  13. Fixed you Config file, added USB port limit patch to enable all USB Ports for your BT. Add FakePCIID & FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi to /E/C/k/Other for wifi Remove AppleBacklightInjector for /L/E, not needed with latest Whatevergreen.kext Remove IntelGraphicsDVMTFixup for Clover/kext/Other, not needed with latest Whatevergreen.kext Don't forget to repair permissions and rebuild cache after removing kext from /L/E config.plist.zip
  14. what patching do you need, the hot patched SSDT's in the bootpack are better in that you don't need to repatch your DSDT after each changes.
  15. No. Plug in HDMI, save the IOREG file = name it HDMI in DP, save the IOReg file = name it DP Now compress both and post it here
  16. Post IOREg file with the monitors plugged in Note which one is DP port and which one is HDMI port Attach the IOREg file along with the Config file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/black-dragon74/OSX-Debug/master/IORegistryExplorer.zip
  17. Ok, since both port 5 & 6 are not HDMI, let's try 7 config.plist.zip
  18. Download latest Hackintool.app Launch it. Under Patch tab, click on Info On menu bar, click on Framebuffer and select MacOS 10.14 Back to the tool, still under Info, on bottom right, click on the eye. This will update the Platform ID of your current setup. Now, click on the Connectors tab, you should see Index 0, Type LVDS is high lighted green which is your internal display. Now plug in your HDMI monitor and see if any of the index(es) are highlighted red Post screenshot
  19. @adala What changes did you make to resolved both issues? How about audio?
  20. Upgrade Clover version to at least v5107
  21. Verify if your ethernet is enabled in the BIOS and that it's indeed a Realtek and not Intel For audio, you have layout-id = 31. Change it to 3, 11 or 13. 11 is made for an Optiplex, the rest are for laptops I believe.
  22. So I assume it's working in Windows with the same cable you're currently using on the Mac?
  23. Yes, obviously check it's enable in the BIOS.
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