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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Jake Lo

    Dell e7470

    The reason is that you're using an SMBIOS the emulates a MBP with memory soldered into the board, hence no memory tab. There's a kext you can install that can restore it but you'll have to build the kext yourself. https://github.com/Goldfish64/SystemProfilerMemoryFixup Update: In case anyone wants it and can't build it yourself SystemProfilerMemoryFixup.kext.zip
  2. You have to press F4 and F2 at the Clover menu during boot, not when you're in MacOS
  3. download and run it offline https://github.com/black-dragon74/OSX-Debug
  4. Try this, replace into /EFI/Clover, NOT merge DSDT patched from your Origin folder, update Config setting and kexts E6220_Mojave.zip
  5. Check whether display is eDP or LVDS...if eDP, you might be out of luck. Follow this thread
  6. Please post full system's specs and attach Clover folder you're currently using. Boot with verbose + debug 0x100 mode to determine the boot issue. Post screenshot if applicable for a clearer picture of the issue
  7. Try this, replace them into /EFI/Clover, not merge Make a backup just incase with a USB installer that can boot if all goes wrong E7440_Hotpatches.zip
  8. I don't think Clover can read your SSDT's from anywhere other than just Patched folder. Can't really tell since the debug log in Misc is for another system. Fix that and your USB might start to work or use Hackintool to help configure your USB ports. No Optimus is still not supported in MacOS unless there's an option in the BIOS that set to only use the discrete graphics. As far as I know, it doesn't. You have SSDT-DDGPU.aml, so obvious it'll get disabled anyway.
  9. feels like deja vu follow instructions here
  10. NO idea what bootpack you used above, as I don't see a bootpack above. Your files are too old. Replace the attached into /EFI/Clover replacing the file and folder. Don't merge In /L/E, remove all these. Repair permissions and rebuild cache Lilu.kext AirportBrcmFixup.kext AppleALC.kext IntelMausiEthernet.kext USBInjectAll.kext AzulPatcher4600.kext Shiki.kext IntelGraphicsFixup.kext FakeSMC.kext 9020_Mojave.zip
  11. Yes, make sure to copy the bootpack after installing clover.
  12. USBInjector.kext is still hardcoded to MBP8,2 You need to replace it with the one in Hervé's bootpack hardcoded to MBP8,1 since you switched SMBios to MBP8,1 NVM, I attached it here. USB_Injector.kext.zip
  13. Ok, I see your IGPU is HD 4400, you'll need to add fakeID = 0x04128086 or add under Properties device-id and data = 12040000
  14. Yeah, the preference pane is not available for USB installer, only after you have MacOS installed, then it's available. The circle slash state means it's not detecting your installer...USB issue. Probably just need to all the port limits patches by PMHeart for the version of Mojave you're installing and USBInjectAll.kext
  15. Can't really tell since the error occurred way before that last line. Try this, go to Option during Clover boot. Go down to graphics injector and change ig-platform-id to 0x12345678 and faked to 0x12345678 see if you could boot from that
  16. are you still booting with -igfxvesa?
  17. Yes, current version of Clover v4988 has removed/ left out some drivers. Try to find an older version. Try this one
  18. Nothing is added to the Config other than adding layoutid 15 for audio and add 2 DSDT patches for I2C. I looked at both IOReg, Nvidia is loaded on both. Your touchpad might be an Alps I2C so you only have basic movements, no gesture. Audio doesn't seen to be working on both IOReg. Have you tested the different layoutID?
  19. add the following boot arg until you finish installing. Basically it needs the Graphics kext to be cached before the patches from the Config file will work. I think I have stated this a few posts above for another member. At Clover, press "O" to get to Options. Append this to the end of the boot arg -igfxvesa
  20. You're probably missing HFSPlus.efi Make sure to replace the files into /EFI/Clover, not replace Clover with the bootpack Install clover with the following settings Install for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP Drivers64UEFI\DataHubDxe-64 Drivers64UEFI\FSInject-64 Drivers64UEFI\SMCHelper-64 Drivers64UEFI\ApfsDriverLoader-64 Drivers64UEFI\AptioMemoryFix-64 Drivers64UEFI\PartitionDxe-64 Add to Drivers64UEFI\HFSPlus.efi (Not included in Clover installer)
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