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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Here's a variation of the Alps Touchpad from the new E7240 with Haswell. Found ALPS Device with ID E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0x08 0x22 Running on the debug version Debug_ALPS_131207 Need to reset the Z value on every reboot like on the E6x30's system.log.zip
  2. Should thank bpedman for development of the kext and yeahoon for continuing to improve it.
  3. yeahoon, Running debug version 131207 on E6x30's. While the trackstick scrolling is working, once awhile single left click in like double-clicking. Really weird stuff. Is there any way to change the sensitivity for the trackstick and touchpad without you recoding it and recompile new version each time?
  4. For the stick, use the middle button to scroll. To tap on pad, enable clicking on Trackpad in system preferences. you could ignore the preference pane, as everything is already adjusted to optimum usage.
  5. If you have the latest Chameleon install, try booting with this flag: IntelCapriFB=a_value from 0 to 11 until you get one that gives you full QE/CI Add this to your boot.plist when you find that magic number 0 = 000066011 = 01006601 2 = 02006601 3 = 03006601 4 = 04006601 5 = 05006201 6 = 06006201 7 = 07006201 8 = 08006601 9 = 09006601 10 = 0a006601 11 = 0b006601
  6. Try this for touchpad. Just remove ApplePS2Controller and install voodooPS2Controller. For SD card, try searching for VoodooSDHC
  7. for voodooHDA to work, you'll need AppleHDADisabler.kext as well which I don't see in the pack you linked. If you're using the patched AppleHDA, you'll need to remove the voodooHDA, shouldn't have both.
  8. Enable clicking in Trackpad should fix it. Yes, modding the Z value will make it more smooth to scrolling and maneuver mouse around. I believe you have the same ID as all the Exx30 models.
  9. The release version causes KP on the E6x30's. Testing the debug version now. Why is debug not KP when the release version does on the Exx30? Is it compiled differently? [Trackpad - Two finger or Side Area] 5. Two finger Up - Scroll Down 6. Two finger Down - Scroll Up 7. Two finger Left - Scroll LEFT (?) - should scroll right 8. Two finger Right - Scroll RIGHT (?) - should scroll left 9. Side Area Up - Scroll Down (?) - correct 10. Side Area Down - Scroll Up (?) - correct
  10. Thank you for the edit and fast turnaround. Works great now on Mavericks. Tested on E6420, E6220, and E6520. All working but noticed that side scrolling on touchpad is reverse. Tested on E6230 - kernel panic. Revert back to debug2, works but need to set Z value higher Tested on E6530 - kernel panic. Revert back to debug2, same as E6230 Tested on E6430 - kernel panic. Revert back to debug2, works but need to set Z value higher E6220 with id E7=0x73 0x02 0x64, EC=0x88 0x07 0x9d E6420 with id E7=0x73 0x02 0x64, EC=0x88 0x07 0x9d E6520 with id E7=0x73 0x02 0x64, EC=0x88 0x07 0x9d E6230 with id E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0x08 0x1d E6430 with id E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0x08 0x1d E6530 with id E7=0x73 0x03 0x0a, EC=0x88 0x08 0x1d
  11. You need to decompile DSDT.aml to DSDT.dsl. You can then edit with textpad. Once done, re-compile it.
  12. yeahoon, You are da man. This is awesome. Finally trackstick scrolling, click and drag, all working. Tested on E6420 right now. Will have to test on E6530 tomorrow as I left it at work. There's only 1 minor thing I ask is if you could make the trackstick move a little faster. Other than that, this is perfect. By the way, can this be use on 32 bit? Wonder if it'll work on the D series as well... Update: Tested on E6420 with ML. Result is almost as good. Only difference is scrolling is slow for both trackstick and touchpad. Tested on E6430 Mavericks, result is the same as on E6420 Mavericks with the trackstick, but touchpad is less responsive. Probably need to adjust the z value.
  13. E6230 doesn't have the trackstick, so you could try the debug_2 version above. Place VoodooPS2Controller.kext in E/E and run myfix (quick). I don't think you need the rest of the files for it to work. I'll confirm tomorrow.
  14. If you mean Dell DW1520, it's not supported. You won't find a kext for it anywhere. You'll need a Dw1510, works OTB.
  15. No, that's fixed. What I see on my E6410 is the cursor don't follow the window when you click and drag it. The cursor will move to where the windows is when you stop dragging it. No a big deal, just little things. Thanks for you update.
  16. When you click and drag an item with the trackstick mouse, does the cursor move with the window or does it move after you stop? That's what I'm seeing on my E6410 (Intel HD graphics) without full QE.
  17. This version re-enabled the left/right mouse, but new issue. Left clicking opens folder and file, right clicking runs twice. So I guess the speed for both changed? Single click is like double clicking, and single right click launches twice. Touchpad is now having issue scrolling. If I tried using 2 fingers scrolling, the cursor disappear. After awhile, cursor returns but loses scrolling all together.
  18. Both E6420 and E6530 lost left and right mouse capability on the trackstick. E6420_debug2.log.zip E6530_debug2.log.zip
  19. The same thing is for the E6430 and E6530. Here's the log for E6530 using version 1.zip system.log.zip Your latest release crashes on the E6530 but not on the E6420. Using version 1 on E6530 now, but the Zvalue needs to be set to make it more sensitive unlike when installed on the E6420 it's fine.
  20. The left/right mouse on the trackstick has always work before and after your mods. I just can't click on an item and drag it with the trackstick and can't use middle mouse to scroll with the trackstick. The right mouse works just fine.
  21. I did replace the 2 files, but wonder if I needed to. So the logs I had uploaded were with all your files. No, the issue was not from your mod, trackstick scrolling was never added. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I was hoping you could add that feature as you did with E6410.
  22. Only problem is when you upgrade, the file might get overwritten. This is where myHack shines. It put all the modded files from E/E into a little file call myHack.kext in SLE which will never get overwritten.
  23. Okay, that's a good start. Which version have you tested? See if this works better.
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