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Everything posted by Hervé

  1. With Optimus disabled, you'll only get the nVidia dGPU activated whereas with Optimus enabled, you'll have Intel iGPU + nVidia dGPU activated (dual GPU but unsupported on Hackintosh). So, if you want to try and run on the nVidia dGPU in High Sierra you should: disable Optimus in BIOS refrain from injecting any properties for your nVidia dGPU install the nVidia Web Driver
  2. See here: https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/15661-acpi-patch-for-brightness-keys-on-dell-laptops/#comment-108703 The boot packs posted in my E6230 guide do cater for this.
  3. I invite you to consult the wireless cards inventories we publish in our Hardware->Wifi section since 2013. Had you done so, you'd have seen your Broadcom card is totally unsupported and has to be replaced.
  4. HD3000 being the poor iGPU that it is, you'd be struggling with Big Sur and even more so with Monterey. As Jake stated, High Sierra is last macOS version to support HD3000 graphics. You can get it supported in Mojave with a patch fairly simple to install. It gets far more complicated with Catalina (see my Latitude E6220 guides). Beyond Catalina, i.e. Big Sur and Monterey, you're likely to meet further difficulties and instability so those are really not recommended on an old HD3000 laptop.
  5. You can either start afresh with a default OC 0.7.6 config file that you'll tune to your system according to your existing setup or update according to the changes that are required to make from one version to the other. https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/782-opencore-releases/
  6. If you use an Intel wireless card, why do you inject properties for Broadcom DW1820A in your OC config? You should remove that.
  7. Try one of those USB power settings add-on SSDTs like the one included in the pack I posted in my E7270 guides.
  8. It's not a Hackintosh-related issue then. Did you check any eventual USB power settings in BIOS? What about the WD disk's own documentation?
  9. Meaning, in your bootloader config, inject the HDMI type properties to your iGPU device @2: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2, 0x0) -> framebuffer-patch-enable 1 NUMBER // enables patching of framebuffer -> framebuffer-con1-enable 1 NUMBER // enables patching of connector 1 (i.e. 2nd output port) -> framebuffer-con1-type 00080000 DATA // sets connector 1 type to HDMI See the WEG user manual.
  10. Your set of ACPI patched tables look wrong or incomplete to me. Follow the recommendations posted at Dortania.
  11. The zipped archive you posted suggests your config may be incorrect so do post a zipped copy of your actual boot loader's EFI folder.
  12. Some external disks require more power than a single USB port can output on its own; in such cases, you may either use a cable that plugs in 2 x USB ports so that you bring more power to the disk or, if applicable to the disk, plug an external power supply. It really depends on what you have.
  13. No such thing on my E7270 which is the E7470's little brother. Can you check your DVMT settings (through Grub shell as detailed here by Jake Lo) and post a zipped copy of your bootloader's EFI folder? Of course, detailing your system's specs in signature would be great too so that we know what hardware you have...
  14. If you're running Clover, you may have NVRAM leftovers from OpenCore in which case, boot an OpenCore USB and reset NVRAM at the OC Picker. If you're running OpenCore, just reset NVRAM at OC Picker.
  15. -> Moved to Wifi hardware support given that this matter relates to a wireless card more than the laptop it's fitted in. Please identify your hardware if you want further assistance. "Dell wifi" means absolutely nothing. You may open up your laptop's case and look at the label glued on the card or look in IOReg for your card's PCI id. Once you've done that, consult our published inventories to verify likely compatibility. This being said, you state that the card works in Monterey with itlwm so it has to be be an Intel card. If it Is so, bear in mind that the OpenIntelWireless tools remain at a development stage with limited support and limited performance. Please note that the behaviour pattern you described is also indicative of a potential forthcoming hardware failure (happened to me recently).
  16. Sounds more like a hardware-related issue than anything else. Did you verify behaviour in, say, Windows?
  17. There was no need to downgrade BIOS if you were on A20 which is perfectly Ok to run with. The steps to follow are the same whether you use Clover or OpenCore. You may refer to the guides for previous versions if need be.
  18. My guide is for any 11.x Big Sur version; I've amended the version line to that effect. At the time of writing, there was uncertainty with regards to the new version numbering adopted by Apple and it was not known whiter Big Sur would remain 11.0.x or turn to 11.x.x
  19. Ok, it looks like the News category was somehow corrupted and stuck with permissions issues. A workaround was applied to fix things. All should be Ok now.
  20. The articles/news/guides on the web site (article section) and associated threads on the forum are 2 different things; latter are (auto) created from former, but they have different URLs of course. You have missed the domain separation here. https://osxlatitude.com/articles/ -> articles/new-driver-for-realtek-pcie-card-readers-r37/ https://osxlatitude.com/forums/ -> topic/16087-new-driver-for-realtek-pcie-card-readers/#comment-109937 https://osxlatitude.com/articles/ -> news/macos-monterey-is-out-r44/ https://osxlatitude.com/forums/ -> topic/16871-macos-monterey-is-out/#comment-112045
  21. Ok, I created a temp test account and was able to reproduce the problem. However, after going through the set of sections Articles/Guides/News/OSXL, I was able to access all Articles without further actions. However, no such chance with News and an error message stating that the pages are missing was returned. I have absolutely no idea what the issue is here... Maybe an index problem.
  22. As indicated in the Wireless cards inventories we publish (and that I invite you to consult), your Qualcomm card is not supported and must be replaced by a supported model. I recommend a Broadcom one of course.
  23. Ok, I've changed 1 permission; how about now?
  24. That's why I checked logged in and logged out. Made no difference. I've checked the forum/articles permissions settings and all appears in order. Tested again on my E7270: cleared Safari cache went to OSXL Home page can access both of there above articles
  25. Must be a problem at your end. Verified access from 3 x different Hacks under High Sierra/Big Sur/Monterey logged in and logged out, 2 x different Apple Macs (Ok, all 5 on same home network) and from 2 x different iPhones, each on a different 4G telco/network (wifi disabled). Not a single issue for the given pages. Try and clear your browser cache maybe.
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