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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. Using the wrong SSDT for CPU power management would have much more of a negative effect. make sure to not use the one for the i5. the other thing to take into consideration is what bios version the DSDT was generated from since sometimes there are some ACPI changes in bios versions.
  2. no apple introduced the issue in 10.12.x around the time the touchbar mac was introduced.
  3. you can try this http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/320946-cant-get-imessagefacetime-to-work/?p=2363964
  4. by pushing whatever function keys normaly brighten your display? or am i misunderstanding your issue.
  5. the only other thing i can think of is one of the kexts you are using has those kexts inside a plugin folder sometimes they add things to fakesmc. myhack used to make a myhack kext which functioned in that manner.
  6. have you tried bring up brightness levels
  7. can you disable "Boot from lan" or "PXE Boot" in bios.
  8. is there any way you can try it on a clean single dedicated drive with all fresh downloads and remake the whole usb installer incase it is pulling stuff from other drives or partitions. also if your using some sort of app to make the installer. don't use it either make the installer manually. same goes for bootloader.
  9. Even real macs are having the issue. https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/65232
  10. nope i wound up replacing the mother board.
  11. try searching the forum there are a few entries about this model but im not sure if there is anything solid like a clear method or guide.
  12. well if you used an older clover bootpack that was made before your current os install you probably need to update clover to latest. the version of clover in the bootpack might not support the current kernel.
  13. you might need fresh thermal paste on your cpu or the heatsink and fans might be full of lint and dust.
  14. last time i had a similar issue was with a d620 that they tried wiping a bios password and it also wiped out / corrupted the ethernet during the procedure.
  15. try adding IMEI and DTGP; ACPI patch's in clover
  16. clover does sometimes Default to the EFI from the internal disk even when booting from usb EFI. Does that drive have those kexts that you know of? What did you use to make the installer? if it's a Distro maybe it's embedded some how. On another note you can try running first aid from recovery disk utility on the drive. One more thing you can check for is if you have hidden files maybe with those names or they start with a "." like .Voodoo also i think if you used one of the boot packs the DSDT might be from bios A11 or A12 do not go past those revs herve might know the exact one. but i guess thats for later discussion as your not at that point yet.
  17. the "LE" folder in "Other" those kexts are supposed to be in Library /Extensions not there. you can try removing the disable turbo kext also. What bios version is your machine at?
  18. maybe its the voodooSDHC kext. also keep retrying the command. sometimes it takes more then once to take.
  19. you can try from disc utility from your mac installer. if you still have it as for Gparted i am not sure if Gparted can do a security wipe.
  20. try doing a low level wipe on the drive first that should destroy all data left over on it. including MBR Or Guid Partition Info.
  21. im surprised that machine might have USB3 last os defined was XP.
  22. if you have any externally connected usb device remove them and test. also it seems that your DSDT does not have OSI for Darwin. actually it only refers to ancient windows versions. how old is this thing? maybe it needs a bios update? Method (OSFG, 0, NotSerialized)
  23. have you tried just repairing the disk from the installer.
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