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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. @Nancy10 Your touchpad is an Alps I2C, only basic support by the VoodooI2C kext. The 7490 has a Precision I2C Touchpad, it has more support but still lacks the left and right mouse feature. You'll just have to wait or contact the developer Alexandre here for support. https://gitter.im/alexandred/VoodooI2C
  2. Here's my Clover guide for Legacy system. You can try UEFI but I ran into a lot of issue before succeeding. My bootpack might be a bit outdated https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/8506-dell-latitude-inspiron-precision-vostro-xps-clover-guide/?do=findComment&comment=74275 Hervé has a more updated guide here and updated bootpack. https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/7914-dell-latitude-e6220-with-i5-2520m-hd3000-and-1366x768-lcd-mavericksyosemiteel-capitansierrahigh-sierra/?do=findComment&comment=93138
  3. do me a favor, can you test something for me? Right now you should be able to control brightness with Fn+F11 and Fn+12 using included DSDT.aml Can you test the following by removing DSDT.aml and add the attached SSDT-BRT6.aml to the patched folder Replace the Config file with the attached. Reboot and see if you there's any lost of function to the Fn+F11 and Fn+F12 keys for Brightness. Fn+F1, Fn+F2, Fn+F3 should still works as Audio controls. No other changes made 7490_BrightnessFnKeys.zip
  4. Mojave dropped support for SandyBridge HD3000, but some were able to successfully install with kexts from High Sierra to get full graphics acceleration but experience minor artifacts ever so often. My recommendation is to stay at High Sierra.
  5. Sure, but did you place any kexts in /L/E?
  6. you can manually copy them to /L/E and run these commands in the terminal sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo touch -f /L*/E* sudo chmod -Rf 755 /S*/L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /S*/L*/E* sudo touch -f /S*/L*/E* sudo kextcache -Boot -U /
  7. If I remember it right, you need to keep the version of VoodooI2C* in his bootpack to work. Make sure to copy them to /L/E Repair permissions and rebuild cache
  8. According to your IOReg file you have Lilu v1.3.8 yet in your Clover/kext/other , you have different Lilu version. Same for Whatevergreen, AirportBrcmFixup.kext, and AppleALC.kext. Make sure you have the same version in both locations or just keep them all in Clover kexts except for BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext & BrcmPatchRAM2.kext should stay in /L/E/ Repair permissions and rebuild cache as usual if you make any changes.
  9. Try this, replace contents into /EFi/Clover 5580_I2C.zip
  10. Try layout-id 14, 21, 56 , 11, 13 and 28
  11. Can't help you without more information. Can't detect the installer? Installer not detecting the update partition? ???
  12. Are you using bootpack from Heré's guide? It's not the latest version of I2C, but it's a working version for that model.
  13. I just added audio and HDMI patch to your Config file. That should not disable your keyboard and mouse. If you added AppleALC and still no audio, try changing the layout-id to 13 or 56, found under properties of Config file.
  14. Sorry, I forgot to mentioned the following as well, I didn't include it because you already have it in your bootpack. You'll need both SSDT-XOSI.aml & SSDT-BRT6.aml (attached above) and the following 3 rename patches: OSID -> XSID, _OSI ->XOSI, BRT6,2 -> BRTX,2
  15. This works for my E7470 with F11 and F12 Just add the following Rename of BRT6 and SSDT-BRT6.aml. Of course will still need the 2 renames of _OSI and OSID Note: Only work with VoodooPS2Controller.kext, doesn't work with ApplePS2Controller that I normally use. SSDT-BRT6.aml.zip
  16. No, but if you want, you can create your own using Hackintool.app under display. Or use SwitchResX.app My basic resolutions are 1920x1080, 1600x900 and 1344x756
  17. You can use Fn+F3 and Fn+Insert or patch your DSDT to use the arrow keys. Try this DSDT, add the patch per Hervé's guide The try Fn+ Arrow (Up/Down) DSDT.aml.zip
  18. If your Touchpad is I2C, then this kext is not for you. This is for PS2 controller only. Consult the developer of VoodooI2C.
  19. Probably not related, both should be supported. Can you try upgrading to 10.13.6?
  20. 1 To check if your computer's built-in display uses an embedded DisplayPort (eDP) or LVDS connector type: From the Windows* desktop press Ctrl+Alt+F12 (this works if you have the Hotkey sequence enabled in the Intel Graphics and Media Control Center) key combination.. Select Options and Support, Select Information Center, Change the System Information drop down to Built-in Display. Check the Connector Type field. 2 Built-in display uses connector types: eDP off the chipset or LVDS. 3 Built-in display uses eDP off a mobile processor.
  21. you're missing AppleALC.kext in /E/C/k/Other and layout-id not set in Config file Try this Config, added HDMI patching and audio layout-id from your Config file config.plist.zip
  22. Hmmm, you seem to have different bootpacks packed in here. 1) Reinstall this version of Clover with the following settings Install for UEFI booting only Install Clover in the ESP UEFI Drivers\Recommended Drivers ApfsDriverLoader AptioMemoryFix AudioDxe DataHubDxe FSInject HFSPlus Additional drivers PartitionDxe Themes (Optional) Install Clover Preference Pane 2) Make sure you don't have OsxAptioFix3Drv.efi in /EFI/Clover/drivers/UEFI 3) Remove following kexts in /clover/kexts/Other VoodooPS2Controller USBInjectAll NoTouchID SMCBatteryManager.kext and add ACPIBatteryManager.kext or remove FakeSMC.kext and add VirtualSMC.kext 4) Remove kexts from /L/E EAPDFix.kext AppleHDA_ALC293.kext FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext AppleBacklightInjector.kext FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext FakePCIID.kext Repair permissions and rebuild cache
  23. You might have to repair again after installation. Yes you can upgrade straight to 10.11.6. Is there a reason why you choose 10.11.x rather than the latest 10.14.6?
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