You cannot use the Clover's KextsToPatch for framebuffer patching in Mojave for Skylake and above
Checked the BIOS, see if Wireless is detected, might need to be reseated.
Check the side of the laptop, make sure the wireless is switched to ON
As Hervé had pointed out, no wireless device is showing in the IOReg file
when you replace something, it must be of the same length...Go ahead and remove it. AirPortBrcm4360 - fcvo patch is already integrated into FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext
Add this to Device FakeID under wifi 0x433114e4 in Config file
and since you already have FakePCIID.kext already in /L/E, add to it FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext
Repair permissions and rebuild cache
Try replacing VoodooPS2Controller in /EFI/Clover/kexts/Other with latest version 1.9.2
Move Lilu.kext from /S/L/E to /L/E
AirportBrcmFixup.kext won't load without it in the same location.
Repair permissions and rebuild cache.
Or move both to Clover kext. Same for Whatevergreen in Clover kexts, missing Lilu.kext.
837d8c1b is for 100 series chipset. Try 837d8c16 instead
Why 10.13.2 and not the latest 10.13.6 ComboUpdate???
Bad idea to have NullCPUPowermanagement.kext
Bad idea to have 2 PS2 controller and in 2 different locations. My guess is you have it in /S/L/E and /L/E...
VoodooHDA and disabler...more bad idea.