after you log on during a blackscreen and you see hdd stabalize try closing the lid and see if the powerlight starts to pulsate... after about 4 pulses open the lid and see if it has video...
to view hidden files you have to open terminal applications utilities terminal and type
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES
then hit enter after that go to the apple on top left corner click on force quit then finder.... it will reboot all your open finder windows. then you will be able to see it.... to turn the feature off type NO at the end instead of YES
and again reset finder like explained above....
no odds on d620 it runs lion i have 2 of the intel graphics versions the one with the t7200 core2duo runs better than the t5500 one i have... t7200 runs way cooler temp wise. use edp 2.2 for lion
did you remove your networking devices in prefpane then save changes and add them back with a new location and make sure the enable wifi option is checked plus checked the bios option for wifi enabled and the switch on the side on?
yeah your correct... it's same method as first partition.
use diskutility to resize and make a new partition for second os. boot with the myhack and install osx to the new partition. then install edp to that partition and build. you should not have to reinstall chameleon as it's already installed on the first partition. or you can clone your existing install to the second new partition
I'm using a t7200 and it runs cool as well compared to like temps on t5500, t7200 runs at about 26* according to istat. but the macbook2,1 actually came with the t7200.
have you tried some of the newer chameleon distros there constantly adding ati and nvidia support. some times you need graphicsenabler=yes sometimes=no depending on the card... also try the nvidia site for osx drivers