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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. yeah might be time to bite the bullet and update your wifi-card and stop dicking around with atheros
  2. disable and or remove OC\Kexts\SMCSuperIO.kext but many of your kexts seem to need updating
  3. you would have to look at your codec here https://github.com/acidanthera/AppleALC/wiki/Supported-codecs and try the different ID numbers
  4. remove those 3 entries from config if you have them.
  5. you can try igfxonln=1 whatevergreen flag
  6. if you can change the value then try 256mb. some have reported that they sometimes have to load an older version of coreboot then move back to the latest. seemed to fix the no graphics loading issues for them.
  7. it still looks to have issues with DVMT. maybe MrChromebox can help you.
  8. csr values might have changed which might prevent kext loading
  9. you need to update all parts of your efi that pertain to open core including opencanopy and openruntime drivers you can also use this if you need to update your resource folder https://github.com/acidanthera/OcBinaryData
  10. https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Post-Install/universal/drm.html#testing-hardware-acceleration-and-decoding
  11. try pointing the boot path to the oc binary not the bootx64 also make sure you dont have an efi folder within the efi folder.
  12. https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/339830-dell-monitoring-by-smm-and-fan-control/ there is also https://github.com/acidanthera/VirtualSMC/tree/master/Sensors/SMCDellSensors
  13. if it is IDT92HD91BXX try id's 12,13,33 or 84. if that is not good enough do as Herve says and just use voodoohda.
  14. try different values of finger z and see if it gets better or worse so if 10 is harder and 99 is faster or not if nothing changes then issue may lay in some of the other values.
  15. try Dr.Hurts suggestion "Try editing the plist of R2RC with fingerz=30, scrollresolution & resolution=400, divisorx, divisory=2"
  16. try modifying the finger z value in the trackpad kext plist file.
  17. what happens if you close the screen and open it again after it blacks out on the main screen? if you shine light on the screen do you still have images showing but with no backlight?
  18. nope nothing i could do off hand. most likely a BT firmware compatibility issue.
  19. sometimes the installer reboots 3 to 4 times before installing. have you waited that long? no i did not watch the video.
  20. you can run the config validator to see what needs to be fixed in your config. should tell you the errors. then you look in the sample config to see how it is now implemented as things change in OC on a monthly basis. make sure all acidanthera kexts are also updated with the same version of OC that is installed. simpler to update to newest stuff since it gets hard tracking what goes with what version.
  21. have you checked the manufacturer to see if it has apple compatible software? usually in the past many csr devices where natively supported.
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