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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. I believe just yesterday Herve and Jake posted the solutions for someone with a E6430s audio and trackpad. check the forum.
  2. can you press F4 at clover prompt so that clover can dump your acpi tables then attach zipped EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/Orig folder here. its missing in your first zip. also at clover prompt menu can you try adding under graphics section/ ig-platform-id, 0x16260006
  3. it would be in your EFI /clover /acpi/ patched folder does your bios allow to set DVMT graphics memory?
  4. are you using a SSDT for cpu generated for another machine?
  5. try enabling lapic kernel patch from clover boot menu or cpus=1
  6. should install as it would for any other mac. unless you have usb issues.
  7. LOL... maybe your lifestyle requires a real apple laptop. splurge.
  8. maybe that adummyhda.kext needs updating? idk I don't use it. glad you finally got OS X running
  9. i dont see anything in that guide that has to do with with usb. he does have a dsdt.aml in clover/acpi/patched and these kexts in i guess library/extensions - ACPIBacklight.kext - ACPIBatteryManager.kext - IntelE1000e.kext - VoodooPS2Controller.kext - VoodooSDHC.kext - aDummyHDA.kext but it looks like that guide needs some serious updating. or at least be streamlined a bit. you can try just using the clover OTHER folder to put the kexts into and i guess put the patched dsdt into the acpi/patched folder and see where that leads. also i think that guide started from here https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8347-e6410-nvidia-el-capitan/
  10. most likely it is not supported as configured you will probably need to replace your cpu and ram to match and add a supported graphics card. that motherboard will take a core 2 duo with 1066 bus so maybe a wolfsdale-3m cpu that might even support sierra since it has sse 4.1 instruction set.
  11. i do not see any kexts other then fakesmc in your clover kexts folders. also you dont need fakesmc in every folder. the OTHER folder loads before any of the numbered folders so you can just put your common files there. i also see that your config calls on a DSDT.aml which i do not see in acpi folder and a theme which is not in the themes folder is that config file for your machine?
  12. looks like it just dies after detecting windows partition disks. if you can get back into the installer have Disk Utility repair your disks.
  13. el cap is known to knock out usb. post what you have for efi also if you have an alps trackpad you can try DR.Hurts new alps driver on the forum.
  14. according to https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2120-inventory-of-supported-and-unsupported-wireless-cards/it is supported with patching.
  15. have you tried using other USB ports for install or maybe unplugging the thumb drive and plugging it back in when that happens?
  16. yeah that does not sound correct I think its supposed to be 200mib it looks like there are a few bios updates regarding UEFI support, ACHI support and, 4gb install fix's. what bios is your machine at there is a list of them here http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=WMHW9maybe your bios needs an update.
  17. if your using EFI then use the one named drivers64UEFI if not use the folder drivers64. but if you use the clover installer it should put it in the correct place if you select the options.
  18. I know you want to use chameleon as the bootloder and there used to be an app that would create an iso for chameleon back in the day. but I also know that clover has compiled iso's on hand here https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloverefiboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded)/files/Bootable_ISO/and there is also this for windows http://cvad-mac.narod.ru/index/bootdiskutility_exe/0-5 if you need to work on an efi volume in windows 7 you can use these commands using an admin command prompt mountvol x: /s start x: in windows 10 those commands also work but only in safe mode boot. and you have to jump a few hoops to get there. maybe you can use clover to at least get you started then do the actual post install with chameleon.
  19. are you using the same usb stick for both installs? I'm wondering if it is having issues with it. maybe the data is corrupting on it. your usb and ports worked fine in windows right?
  20. Bronxteck


    your welcome. and enjoy your new hack and forum cheers
  21. are you plugged into usb2 ports or usb3 ports? if you have the option in bios disable usb3 for now. unless there is a bios update that might address usb issues but i seem to be having issues with dells site regarding bios versions available.
  22. so what happens then it gets to optiofix2 +++++++ then reboots?
  23. snow leopard is 10.6 not el cap boot in verbose mode and upload a picture if you can.
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