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Found 6 results

  1. Hi everyone, I have a Dell Latitude E5470 Laptop, but I don't have an HDMI monitor, so I bought an adapter VGA to HDMI, when I connect it seems that I have the second desktop, but the integrated screen gets off, and don't power on again, even if I disconnect HDMI. I've tried to use WhateverGreen kexts, but I always get kernel panic with it. E5470_CLOVER_folder.zip
  2. Dear mates, yesterday I installed Mojave 10.14 on my system. The thing is that HDMI\VGA is not recognised, just when I start the system with cable plugged in. Was fine on Sierra 10.12.6. I saw some port patch, but they are for desktop version, not mobile. Also tried to replace AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer.kext with same kext from Sierra> fixed the problem, but a new problem came up: After sleep PVAP - Hardware encoding broke result in application freezing, video freezing (Safari, yt, pictures, Final Cut, FaceTime, etc.) I can disable Hardware encoding, but then some features not working (Final cut, can't open pictures, thumbnails always loading, etc.). Using platform-id: 0x191b0000 Use this fix to get VGA/HDMI working: https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/316573-sierra-applegraphicsdevicepolicy-clover-patch/ Last: No audio on HDMI Fixed HDMI Audio by installing "FakePCIID_Intel_HDMI_Audio.kext" System: Acer Aspire V5-591G-55TU CPU: i5-6300HQ 2.3 GHz RAM: 8 GB DDR4 (4+4) GPU: Intel HD Graphics 530 + GTX 950M (disabled) OS: Mojave 10.14.1 UPDATE: Updated to 10.14.1 and my outputs are gone again. > To solve this use the "AppleIntelSKLGraphicsFramebuffer.kext" from 10.14 Attaching the clover folder, IOReg
  3. Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to hook up my Dell D820 to my 1080p monitor via VGA. On the compatibility page, it shows that VGA is supported on this machine so I am wondering how I could set it up so that the laptop screen is off and the monitor be the only display?
  4. Lads, I've successfully managed to install Mavericks 10.9.4 with a Clover USB. I updated to 10.9.5 flawlessly through the AppStore. My E6410 is a nVidia variant, updated to the last BIOS (A16), and the system feels quite stable...the notebook heats up a bit more then usual, but that is out of scope right now. Initially, after the setup went well, i tried installing Clover UEFI on my GPT Disk, however, this notebooks UEFI implementation is whack, i tried every possible EFI file entry, uppercase lowercase backslash frontslash, ubuntu/windows masking, whatever was left to try, googling UEFI for E6410 ends up showing people moaning how shitty the UEFI implementation from DELL is...so i left this as a dream for the future, i can live without it. After that, i wiped the EFI partition with this command "newfs_msdos -v -F 32 EFI /dev/disk0s1" (disk0s1 might differ to your setup, careful), after adding -F 32, things got better and installing Clover with MBR bootloader (boot0ss) boots the system. I ended up copying my USB's clover settings as it wouldn't boot my system with the default one, so that will require further investigation...but yea, it works . i used Clover Configurator to load extra EFI drivers for Clover...very handy tool, and also placed the DSDT to the /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/PATCHED/ folder... so from this build, i have witnessed a few catches: first, battery monitor is inconsistent, a lot of times battery percentage freezes, and only a reboot will give it the right numbers, however, it rarely works as it should. Audio suddenly disappeared, rebuilding caches didn't help (Kext Wizard) so i installed the VoodooHDA manually, even though it is on the /EFI/CLOVER/KEXTS/10.9 folder present. after the kext install, audio is back. (also happened during the 10.9.5 update) External Displays, i definitely need VGA for work, and DisplayPort for home, none work so far...my pure guess is DSDT, but as i said, it is a guess. care to help me guys, this thread could end up being a guide for clover thanks in advance Pluto
  5. Thanks to the team of this wonderful site, I was able to built a triple boot system xp snow leopard and ubuntu on my D430 120GB 2GB, 1.33Gh book, about 2yrs now. Still use EDP 1.9.2 It was overall very nice that I really love it, except a few things: 1. VGA out not working, I cannot do presentation with a projector while running snow leopard. I don't know if newer os x or newer EDP's can fix that. Do think that's a big deal (#1 to me) 2. Another thing is the sleep solution. It's just fine to me setting system pwd in bios, disabling system hibernate etc to obtain working sleep function. But after awake from sleeping, screenshot hot key will not working, Also, some hot key related to non-English text input will not working. Only once for some reason which I can never figured out, screenshot and IME hot key kept working after sleep, tried again and still working. But that's gone after reboot and can never reproduce the wonder..... 3. When the system hang (very rare), hard power off is the only way out. But every time doing that will cause hard drive (partition) error, Have to use os x usb installer to repair the partition (it always repairable). By using clonezilla, I can backup the current build easily and so I'm ready to update EDP. I just wonder if the new EDP fixes some of the issues above? Thanks a lot!
  6. Hi all, I am running an E6220 with the HD3000 integrated graphics card. I am trying to get an external monitor working. I have tried the HDMI, VGA, and DVI ports with no luck. Using EDP and the E6220 profile, I enabled the VGA/HDMI fix with no lock. Additionally, I've tried a variety of AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext and AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext with no luck. Any suggestions on things to try? Thanks.
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