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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Install Clover to the installed drive. Mount the EFI partition. Replace all the Clover files from the USB installer. For Bluetooth, add the following kexts to kexts/Other BrcmBluetoothInjector BrcmFirmwareData BrcmPatchRAM3 For HDMI, connect the HDMI model, run this app. Save, compress and attach it for review BT-Fix.zip
  2. @robi62 Follow new guide here with the fix. Basically you need to set pci-aspm-default =0
  3. can you post current Config file and IOReg file?
  4. Your SMBIOS name is truncated. Let's fix that and see if that will resolve the touchpad too In Config, change these 2 values CustomSMBIOSGuid -> true UpdateSMBIOSMode -> Custom
  5. Looks like you have dual graphics card, you need to disable the non supported device
  6. Add sinetek-rtsx if you have Realtek RTS525a (10ec:525a) Can you post IOReg file with the updates? Sinetek-rtsx.kext.zip
  7. @DeLaGhetto You must be big fan of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air I just uploaded new files that'll run on Big Sur as well. No issue upgrading Catalina to 10.15.6 https://osxlatitude.com/forums/topic/13155-solved-e7440-no-usb-port-working-with-opencore/?do=findComment&comment=101900
  8. Updated OC files, tested on Big Sur Beta2, Catalina, Mojave with DW1550 EFI-E7440-OC-6.0.zip
  9. You can start by reading through these guides https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/286092-guide-1st-generation-intel-hd-graphics-qeci/ https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/files/file/208-1st-gen-intel-hd-graphics-kexts/
  10. Did you add SSDT-TPDX.aml to your Config? Make sure to have latest VirtualSMC + SMCBatteryManager, Lilu , whatevergreen. Touchpad preference won't appear unless battery status is working
  11. Same error as above? What happens if you restore your Config file?
  12. You need to select Reset NVRam at OC Picker after any file changes.
  13. Here's the files I use, no issue with sleep / wake Disable the DW1820a in the Config if you have other wifi devices E7270_OC.zip
  14. @bebetoalves You incorrectly added the injection for graphics. Try this config. Fixed injection and added the patch Hervé mentioned config.plist.zip
  15. @Tinhcdmt13 At OC boot screen, select Reset NVRam and then try again. If you don't see the option, the press spacebar to review the option
  16. No, you know DP is already working. Have you tried only HDMI ?
  17. Do you have a 1080p monitor for HDMI and see if it works? The IOReg above, is that with both DP and HDMI connected?
  18. Try this config. make sure to reset nvram on reboot config-FixHDMI.zip
  19. I have no experience with itlwm and HeliPort.app
  20. The problem with the ApplePS2Controller is that it's outdated. Your can try replacing it with this for Alps
  21. Yes, just update Clover v5119 and kexts mainly Lilu, Whatevergreen and AppleALC and you should be good to go. You can replace the files with v5118 if you like from here
  22. The Config I'd attach already have layout-id changed to 11. The reason it wasn't working before as I had said above was that you need to select Reset NVRam after each change /update. That's why the IOREg you attached after replacing the Config and adding the SSDT-HPET did not reflect. Anyway, glad it's working now. The HDMI port issue, what is the resolution of the display? If it's 4k, you might have to increase the DVMT pre-alloc.
  23. Can you post new IOReg just so I could confirm it got updated?
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