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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. You can remove these: GenericUSBXHCI.kext XHCI-unsupported.kext
  2. Did you create an USBPort.kext and did it enabled all your USB devices? Does touchscreen and webcam work now? Can you attach the kext for review?
  3. Use Lilu.kext + AppleALC.kext with layout-id =17
  4. At Clover gui, press O to get to Options. Go down to Graphics Injector and select it Select FakeID or platform-id and change it to 0x12345678 Hit ESC to get back to the main menu See if you could boot with that If you can get to the desktop, make sure to run repair permissions and rebuild cache. Reboot normally.
  5. you won't get graphics acceleration if you're using ig-platform-id = 0x12345678 replace with my files and then post new debug file
  6. @tonykai Replace your files with this, replace into /EFI/Clover
  7. USB issue. See here on how to fix that.
  8. Looks like your touchpad could be an Alps. Replace it with this, try the one compiled by Bronxteck.
  9. Should be synpatics. Use Rehabman's VoodooPS2Controller.kext I think you already have that in your files.
  10. DW1510 will work fine on this system, no need to rebrand. Just use FakePCIID.kext + FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi.kext
  11. I assume by now you figured out that you have 10.11.6 installed. You didn't list what wifi it has installed, so I'll assume Intel which is not supported. See here for a list of supported/unsupported wifi device. For audio, you'll need to follow the rest of the post installation.
  12. Since your system is SandyBridge, it's obvious that you will need the vanilla kernel. Then you'll need to determine what version of El Capitan you are installing, then download that version of kernel. What's the next step? follow the guide step by step From the guide, your next step is 2) 10.11 installation
  13. Give this a try, replace into /EFI/Clover I noticed you don't have graphics acceleration, hopefully will fix that too. Latitude_7490_Mojave.zip
  14. Works for all CPU for this model. No need to modify the BIOS, just need to set it to the following settings: Load Default, apply, then go back and set to UEFI AHCI Legacy Option ROMs enabled Secure Boot Disabled Wake on USB disabled Wake on LAN /WLAN disabled
  15. 1) When installing the enoch pkg, make sure you select customize so you could pick the USB drive, otherwise it'll install to the default drive which is your internal drive 2) the package you downloaded from voodoo projects is the source file as stated, you need to compile it. Get the pkg file here 3) the copied package to the root of the USB Installer is so you can install it to the installed drive later as part of post installation, you probably didn't get that far yet
  16. Rehabman's touchpad kext does not support Alps touchpad, it only supports Synaptics. Go with Dr. Hurts version, use latest version compiled by Bronxteck. As for USB kext, yes latest version is fine.
  17. @Retch See here, you can use that bootpack
  18. Update your bootpack, replace into /EFI/Clover
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