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Everything posted by Hervé

  1. I didn't know that "acpi=off" option. Did you try the 32/64bit option arch=i386/x86_64? You may also want to try option: ahcidisk=1 eg: GraphicsEnabler=No PciRoot=1 ahcidisk=1 npci=0x2000 arch=x86_64 -f -v
  2. Great, thanks for your work. We can probably work something out for graphics under Lion with a DSDT patching (graphics injection). Same goes for sleep: a DSDT patch could fix it. Did you try with/without SleepEnabler?
  3. Re: CPU/RAM speed, I'd say you have Dynamic Acceleration set to enabled in your BIOS configuration. Turn if off. You might as well recheck that all your BIOS parameters are configured as per recommended settings.
  4. It's unsupported and has to be replaced.
  5. Not until we know which card it is! A universal fix is to install a known compatible card... https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2120-wireless-cards-inventory/
  6. Hi, thanks for this guide. Sounds like it's a straight forward installation. One comment though: if you use myHack to install Mac OS X, you should install the additional kexts to /Extra/Extensions as opposed to /S/L/E which, ideally, should be left vanilla or as vanilla as possible. All those kexts you listed as SLE targets can go to /E/E. It also looks like some are not necessary or appear ex-ModCD and can therefore be replaced by more recent kexts. Lets get this integrated to EDP. Are you (and your XPS) available for testing?
  7. Again, read the entire MacRumors thread and you'll find solutions...
  8. Just follow the guide step by step and it'll get you there.
  9. Holly cow, I looked at the specs on Dell's web site! It's quite a dinosaur you got there. Seriously, forget trying to run anything decent on that old lady, even XP. This is hardware that dates back to 2002-2003. On top of this, you may have noticed that the wiki page you pointed to dates back to 2007 (as did the dead links) and that it mentions this laptop was "poorly supported"... I hope you did not pay too much for this C840, because it's kind of worthless!
  10. Tiger 10.4 is a very very old and obsolete Max OS X version, I can't see any point trying to install it nowadays. Anyway, here we only support Snow Leopard 10.6 , Lion 10.7 and Mountain Lion 10.8.
  11. That's probably going to be limited to Snow Leopard, possibly with legacy kernel. You can always try ModCD with a retail SnowLeopard DVD or image to start with, see if you can boot the installer and proceed with installation. If you get through, we may look at a subsequent myHack installation and possible integration in EDP.
  12. Looks like you did not create the myHack USB installer properly. Or you've used the wrong bootpack. Make sure you know which D630 model you have.
  13. Re: keyboard, I recommend 2 tools to be used concurrently: Ukelele Logitech kexts (copy those you need to /Library/Keyboard Layouts) and DoubleCommand (that can be set to configure Home/End keys like on a PC and Win key like Apple key). Once your Logitech layouts are in place, open up Language & Text pref pane and select the Logitech keyboard in Input Sources tab. With Ukelele Logitech layouts, your entire keyboard should be 100% operational. Re: bluetooth at startup, go to Bluetooth pref pane and unselect both options (you may require the Ukelele files in place before you can do that, so that the keyboard is actually fully recognised).
  14. After some trials, obtained full QE/CI + dual-screen with a Twintech-branded nVidia GeForce 9800GT (512MB DDR3, 2 x DVI + 1 x S-Video). Got the card to work with NVEnabler_64 kext, the rest being vanilla/standard (i.e. no patching of any nVidia kexts whatsoever). Works in 32bit and 64bit kernel mode.
  15. Yes, there was a bug in EDP where the kext that fixes the issue was not always copied to /E/E. That should be fixed now so please re-run EDP and apply the brightness fix again. Should it still fail, you can do it manually by copying the kext found in /Extra/Storage/fixes/gma950-brightness-fix to your /E/E folder, run myFix (full) and reboot.
  16. Yep, do as JakeLo recommends, EDP no longer offers to download Chameleon application package. Use Chameleon Wizard to update afterwards (through 'installation' tab). You'll see a list of various versions you can update to. My D630 nVidia runs r2189 without issues. I've not tested more recent releases.
  17. I take it you did not literally enter "DSDT=hd(,)/DSDT.aml", did you? You went Ok up to the point where you decided to run EDP without following the instructions posted above! I never said to run EDP on the ModCD installation, which will not work as you experienced. I clearly stated that you had to create a myHack installer after you got SL loaded with ModCD and proceed with a fresh SL installation with the myHack installer. Try again and follow the process listed above... rigorously!
  18. Try with NullCPUPowerManagement kext in /Extra/Extensions (remember to re-run myFix (full) after you add the kext).
  19. Have a look at the article about performance tuning with FakeSMC & SMBIOS on the web site. It may answer your issue. Re: reported graphics chip, you can simply edit your DSDT with DSDT Editor from olarilla.com. Copy your DSDT table to your desktop and open it with the Editor, extract the .dsl file, edit it with Text Editor (do a search for 8400) and save it. Then compile that .dsl file in DSDT Editor. You'll have a fresh DSDT.aml file on your desktop that you can move to /Extra. Keep a copy of your current DSDT in /Extra (name it DSDT_bak.aml) so that you can manually load it up in case of problems...
  20. Just install or re-install Chameleon to your ML partition/HDD.
  21. Try to create 2 smaller partitions to see if it make any difference.
  22. Hi, Three questions: does your D830 run the latest Dell BIOS (A16)? when you say you "installed the D830 bootpack", how did you do that exactly? you say you formatted the HDD "Mac OS X journaled". Did you re-partition your HDD and select the GPT/GUID mode? Or is your HDD in MBR mode? Check that in Disk Utility: select HDD (not partition) and look at bottom right corner of DU window. I believe the "EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)" has to do with disk access. Also, re-check in BIOS setup that your HDD is set to AHCI mode.
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