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Everything posted by Hervé

  1. No, you can combine all that you want.
  2. The cause of the problem is not your graphics card. An unsupported card does not normally prevent boot, you just have no hardware acceleration and a default resolution. Did you try any of the above flags and/or options?
  3. Mmm, it does not sound like you have full QE/CI then... Are you able to get max screen resolution and change resolution without setting the res in Cham boot plist? If no, then the framebuffer is probably not loaded.
  4. Sorry, it's a bit difficult to know where you're at, so please correct/amend/update as required: 1) laptop now running SL 10.6.8 2) which bootloader version? 3) full QE/CI apparently, what about screen resolution and resolution changes? 4) audio working 5) battery support working 6) built-in Ethernet working 7) webcam working 8) wireless? If you have a DW1397, it's the same chip as DW1395, so patched IO80211Family or BCM43xxx kexts will get you wireless 9) sleep? 10) wake? A few more questions: Are you using NullCPUPowerManagement and SleepEnabler in /Extra? I have found that some system will work perfectly without any of them, sometimes SleepEnabler causing system to KP at startup. You should try and use Cham v2.1. EDP use to provide r1791 but you should be Ok with more recent versions such as r2069 (I think it's still the official branch) or beyond (up to r2181 I think today). It's possible that updating to SL 10.6.8 requires to revert to kexts from SL 10.6.3. On some systems, I've had to replace USB + PCI + ACPI kexts, but not on others... You should however definitely use the EDP provided ACPIPlatform kext (aka Coolbook fix). What parameters do you have in your Cham boot plist? If you don't use NullCPUPwrMgmt, you should select P States + C States. You should also select UseKernelCache + Built-in Ethernet + Restart Fix. Set SystemType to laptop. If your graphics card/GPU is fully supported, I guess GraphicsEnabler can be set too. I'll try and upload some of these kexts later on, as if they were provided by EDP.
  5. Of course it's included, Lion fully supports X3100 integrated graphics! -> In /S/L/E: AppleIntelGMAX3100FB.kext.zip
  6. You're mistaken, there is no specific FrameBufffer for WXGA+ resolution. Use everything from standard installation and bootpack/EDP. Files from Mariusz are just way too old by now! Make sure you have the latest EDP version on your D630, if not, download/update latest version. Run EDPweb tool off /Extra and do a new build,
  7. This machine is now integrated to EDP. As such, you don't need any detailed tutorial for OS X installation other than what is documented in the EDP pages (pre-installation, installation + post- installation). All you need is the myHack USB installer + the bootpack, then EDP upon OS X installation. Just follow the process!
  8. Download latest EDP, install it and then run EDPWeb tool (double click EDPweb.command in /Extra). This will restore Ethernet NIC functionality. Re: MacBook Air being displayed, that is probably the default SMBIOS settings for the D630. Easily changed: edit your SMBIOS plist in /Extra and select the closest to your laptop. Assuming you have the D630 nVidia, the closest entry should be MacBookPro 3,1; note that this is just cosmetic and does not affect the way your D630 runs ML.
  9. Did you try the suggested fix? It's applicable to Facetime. I myself had to play around with serial number to get it working.
  10. I assume you're trying to install SL 10.6.3 with Nawcom's BootCD/ModUSB. What graphics card/chip do you have? Did you try any boot flags/options? For instance: -f -v -x PciRoot= arch= GraphicsEnabler= USBBusFix= cpus=1 ...
  11. Get the Ethernet kext from the bootpack and copy it back to /Extra/Extensions. Then run myFix (full). That should get your NIC back into play. By the way, did you run EDPweb tool or you just ran the well-known traditional CLI version? Re: corrupted display bottom, it's a known issue for which we have no fix. It was mentioned some time ago and we looked into it: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1977-d620-gma950-external-display-corruption-atabove-1280x1024-edp-v4-r65-and-beyond/
  12. Make sure it comes with the adapter or it won't lock in situ in the D630; that card is half mini-PCIe format, same as DW1702 card illustrated here: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2031-atheros-based-dw1702/ I started a thread to try and compile a list of supported wireless cards here: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2120-wireless-cards-inventory/ Do contribute to complement.
  13. You're not using the EDPweb tool! Go to /Extra folder and double click on 'edpweb.command'. You will then see all full features of EDP 5.0. The BIOS system password + Bypass settings are not normally relevant to the D630 (required on the D620 & D430). I have 3 x D630s and never used those BIOS settings on them for Sleep/Wake to operate properly. I'd say there's something else fishy. Sorry for asking, but are you sure you used the right bootpack (D630, Intel X3100 (1440x900)) ?
  14. Well, if Win7 won't install on that partition and/or won't reformat it NTFS, delete it from the Win installer and re-create a new Windows partition. You'll end up with the extra small 100Mo partition, but so be it...
  15. Well, contact Dinesh then. But again, don't hold up your hopes too high, because many people looked into this through the last 5 or 6 years.
  16. I'm using VoodooPS2Controller (Alps not Synaptics!) on my D620 and it supports edge scrolling Ok (vertical + horizontal). It's neither too fast, nor too slow. Works perfectly as far as I'm concerned.
  17. 1. Built-in Ethernet: you should also have a kext called BCM5722D in /E/E 2. How did you partition your HDD? Was is GUID? Your targetted Win partition should be formatted FAT. Once you run your Win7 DVD, simply point to that partition and reformat it NTFS; that's all. Afterwards, you'll have to play with Diskpart CLI tool to re-activate the OS X partition and be able to boot from it (or interrupt the OS X boot process to select Win partition). 3. TrackPad: I recommend the standard VoodooPS2Controller on that model. Well, that's what I use and it works pretty well. 4. Sleep/Wake: In EDP kext installation/system build, make sure to choose NullCPUPowerManagement + SleepEnabler. As a result, you'll see kexts of the same name in /Extra/Extensions. After that, you should also run the HibernateFix provided by EDP. BIOS reset issue is normally taken care of by a kext called Patched_10.7_AppleRTC, also found in /E/E. If any kext appears missing, get them from the bootpack and copy them to /E/E, then re-run myFix (full).
  18. Check this: http://www.osxlatitude.com/how-to-fix-icloud-appstore-facetime/
  19. Don't bother, it won't help you load the installer any better. If you can, try with a Lion version no higher than 10.7.3. Although EDP fixes it, 10.7.4 brought some ACPI issues. Maybe they're not bypassed by installer. I've never had any problem with my 10.7.2 version...
  20. Check your BIOS settings against those posted for the D620. One more thing to eliminate...
  21. It looks like your Bluetooth adapter has its radio deactivated. For BT activation, look here: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1824-bluetooth-adapters/
  22. In "/Extra/Extensions", the first "/" means the root/very top level of your hard disc. Once you manage to get your hard disc displayed on your desktop through Finder preferences settings, just double clic on the icon and you will see the folder called "Extra". Open it and you will see a subfolder called "Extensions". That's where the kexts should go.
  23. Use the buttons at the bottom right corner of the posts to edit, delete, etc. You are right, there are no bios options to set HDD mode, so it's IDE mode by default.
  24. Don't hold too much hope, I've scrounged the Net and it appears many have tried... with very little success.
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