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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. Try changing your SMBios to MBP9,1 temporarily
  2. Your files look just like my own bootpack. What's the issue with HDMI? It should work just fine. What's the external display resolution?
  3. run this https://github.com/xzhih/one-key-hidpi then boot without boot arg -igfxvesa
  4. what's the display resolution of the system? You can find that in the BIOS
  5. the ssdt is to fix the audio, not touchpad. This could just the limitation of the I2C kext since the Alps I2C is not fully supported. Try updating VoodooI2C and VoodooI2CHID to latest version 2.4 I think. As for you touchscreen, it's an I2C Elan900C. You could try adding VoodooI2CElan and see if it helps.
  6. Is it USB Based or I2C? post IOReg file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/black-dragon74/OSX-Debug/master/IORegistryExplorer.zip
  7. USBPorts-O7470.kext was generated without BT since I didn't have one installed. Remove the kext, add USBInjectall.kext to kexts/Other add the 10.15.x port limit patches to Config file then use Hackintool to generate new USBPorts.kext or use the generated SSDT-UIAC.aml with USBInjectall.kext
  8. Post IOReg file and I'll see about creating an SSDT-UIAC for you. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/black-dragon74/OSX-Debug/master/IORegistryExplorer.zip
  9. use my files and post the error if different than above. boot with verbose + debug 0x100 mode Post the clover folder if you want me to verify if it's correct after it failed
  10. Did you generate a new SSDT-UIAC.aml for this system? If so, can you attach it for future reference.
  11. Just remove SSDT-Disable-DGPU.aml Use Config.plist or delete it and rename config-intel.plist to config.plist The rest should be good
  12. Check FAQ. Catalina has extra protection that needs to be disable 1st
  13. Your SMBIOS is truncated. Clover has the DellSMBIOSPatch that fix that issue, does OpenCore have something similar?
  14. post debug file
  15. remove from patched SSDT-2-xh_OEMBD SSDT-5-sensrhub
  16. Files are old. Replace the attached contents to /EFI/Clover E6540_DisableDGPU_Catalina.zip
  17. Yes, it should auto switch from Internal to Headphone and vise versa if headphone is inserted and remove. The kextcache log and IOReg file you attached in the debug file shows no existence of CodecCommander.kext. Google for the kext and install it to /Library/Extensions Repair permissions and rebuild cache. If that still doesn't work, change the layout-id in Config file under devices/properties from 12 to 18. No, as you can see in your system information under display, you'll see both graphics. It's also showing in your IOReg file. Try adding boot arg -wegnoegpu to Config file If that doesn't work, we'll need to disable it via DSDT/SSDT patching
  18. Delete SSDT-UIAC_E7470.aml. In Config file, under kextToPatch, enable the 2 USB Port limit patches for 10.15.x That should enable all USB Ports in your system. You should then use Hackintool to generate new SSDT-UIAC / USBPorts.kext. Did you try this bootpack for Catalina - 3rd post?
  19. I'm not familiar with OpenCore but according to the DSDT, Skip 15 (for GPI0 /_sta-> xsta) and 32 (for tpd1 /_crs-> xcrs) are now correctly replaced. Can you post IOReg with the skip 15 Config?
  20. Sorry, looks like it's still wrong, change Skip to 15.
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