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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. try repairing your disk permissions with disk utility. wrong file permissions cause strange things to happen.
  2. bios is setting it to 1 if it is enabled there. so to boot osx you want it to be 0 or disabled. it disables it from osx kernel with the flag. you asked for a way to be able to keep it on so you did not have to mess with the bios option. well that is where this flag comes in.
  3. yes your graphics are not loading. you need to try some combinations of graphics flags. read the help file in chameleon at boot. try with GraphicsEnabler=no or other combinations.
  4. you can try the boot flag dart=0 for VT for Direct I/O
  5. try booting with -x -v. it looks like your getting stuck at graphics.
  6. maybe you can shut off the Ethernet from bios and try again. or try use an smbios for a machine that does not have built in Ethernet. like an air. you also might have to delete all your networking devices in network prefpane apply settings then readd the wifi.
  7. make sure if you do get the screen you get it with its connector ribbon.... low res and high res screens are interchangeable but you need the cable as well. there should be more info in the archives here try a search.
  8. say no when making the usb installer when it asks if you want mbr patch. if you really need it google for the MBR script
  9. have you used any other installers mixed with this?
  10. do not use the mbr patch provided with my hack. unless you already have Xcode installed. it needs a file from it to work proper.
  11. check your extra folder for AppleACPIPlatform.kext it might be missing after an EDP build. addit back if missing from the bootpack and do a myfix, quick
  12. if you have more then one install of osx on that machine the module nvram has to be on the same volume that chameleon boots from.
  13. you can delete the apps directly from the applications folder.
  14. http://sourceforge.net/projects/hwsensors/
  15. i think it's AppleUpstreamUserClient.kext
  16. you might also need to specify PCIRoot=1 with those npci flags
  17. you might have removed it when my hack asked to remove problematic extensions
  18. it seems that the older AppleACPIPlatform.kext supplied by EDP and the boot packs is failing on 10.9.2 causing sleep issues for some and broken restarts. personally tested by me on a D630 nvidia many other models are also affected. solution is to use the supplied 10.9.2 version located in System/Library/Extensions version 2.0 dated 1/16/14 i have attached it incase it has been removed from S/L/E you can add it to and run it from E/E if it has been removed from S/L/E run a my fix quick afterwords. AppleACPIPlatform.kext.zip
  19. boot with -x -v at the chameleon boot prompt and see where you get stuck.
  20. i am still no sleepy time or proper restarts.
  21. use -f flag or rename your mod kernel to mach_kernel your cache might have issues otherwise.
  22. try remaking the installer maybe it is corrupted usually torrented installers have missing mach kernel. you can also see if you can downgrade your bios to the other.
  23. i believe D830 and D630 Nvidia's are having the same issues.
  24. delete myhack kext in System/Library/Extensions folder and re run my fix quick.
  25. add a kernel to the root of the osx hard drive. mach_kernel
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