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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. hmm looks like alot of people are having that issue with dells bios you can try https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/solved-recover-dell-inspiron-laptop-corrupted-bios-how-roland-ihasz follow his instructions but rename what he posts with the name of your bios file. also make sure you download the correct bios for your machine because the ROM size might be different. maybe that explains the error of it running out of memory.
  2. http://cvad-mac.narod.ru/index/bootdiskutility_exe/0-5 you can try with Cvad's utility from windows. there is also https://bitbucket.org/kylon/cloud-clover-editor-cce if you need to configure your clover config plist from any os I believe this one is a browser based editor.
  3. funny I just worked on a MacBook Pro last week with the same issue. had to fsck -y -rc -d /dev/rdisk0s2 and usb installers where even having issues booting. it wound up having 1 defective memory stick and the hdd was on its death bed. I think the defective ram is what might have damaged the hdd. I replaced the ram then I installed a fresh os to a new ssd and then used migration assistant to transfer there data back to the latest os. they originally had el cap on that drive.
  4. 1. edit voodoohda's info plist to fix your issue. you can boot it directly from clover without having permission issues to edit. or drag the kext to desktop then edit it then put it where you need to. 2. looks like your usb and hdd clover are not in sync from what you describe. transfer the working version of the efi folder to the non working efi partition. 3. this model has been around a long while now. there are countless guides and threads in this forum about it. use the search feature of this site. you might find your solution in one of them.
  5. have you tried just disabling lilu? -liluoff is the boot flag to disable Lilu.
  6. have you checked to see if you have power nap or wake on network enabled in apple energysaver prefpane if so shut it off/disable it
  7. you probably need to make sure every kext your using is latest version of it because 10.13.2 will cause boot issues with some older kexts. you also need latest clover and you also need to use fixheader acpi patch. also you need to read up on your graphics and determine if it needs a patch or injection or it works native or not at all. im sure there is plenty more i might be missing.
  8. well if the usb drive is new and your trying to install to it then you need to format it using disk utility. also check that your clover has HFSPlus.efi driver in clover/drivers64 folder. if your working with APFS on an ssd then make sure to also have that driver in clover
  9. I guess you would left click on the kext and show contents then edit the info.plist with a plist editor avoid using text app if possible
  10. you would have to reinstall clover then configure it and deselect the options that are no longer needed like rc scripts and such. also deselect any aptio drivers you might have installed with clover as it will re add them and cause issues.
  11. if that drive was formatted as hfs plus then you probably need to see if you have HFSPlus.efi and add it clover driver folder as it looks like your system is using APFS
  12. it could be nvram related. you can try adding this http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_id=283325to clover drivers folder. if you have another aptio driver installed remove it and emuvariable and disable clover rc scripts also delete your nvram.plst if you have one. the only driver needed is AptioMemoryFix.efi the other is for filevault keyboard.
  13. sometimes there both needed Paul you would have to test if thats your case
  14. maybe you can try LILU.kext and the Nvidia plugin for it
  15. if you have a powered usb hub you can try with that.
  16. I believe so but it breaks sleep and consumes battery quickly. also some ports might not work like HDMI. look for Herve or jakelo signatures for more info.
  17. depends if you made a legacy installer or uefi one. but all you have to do is check. EFI folder will either be on the root of the usb or it will be in the efi partition which you would have to mount to check.
  18. have you tried putting all the kexts in the clover other folder?
  19. i have never heard of anyone getting it working but it does not mean it is not possible. here is apples guide https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT206995and here are apples requirements https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204689you would probably have to get as many of those requirements resolved. including maybe smbios model to match requirements. you would also have to find out what spec BT apple needs for it to work and see if the DW1550 BT has that spec. DW1550 supports Bluetooth 2.1 EDR, Bluetooth 3.0 HS, Bluetooth 4.0 LE.
  20. have you tried setting clover in your bios as the boot device.
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