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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. the half baked Disk Utility in El Cap does not support that feature. but i have come across this https://justus.berlin/2015/10/restore-old-disk-utility-in-os-x-el-capitan/and this also pops up based on that link http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/files/file/480-disk-utility-patched-v2/
  2. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2120-supportedunsupported-wireless-cards-inventory/ intel wifi is not supported by OS X
  3. you can try with the d620 nvidia boot pack here http://www.osxlatitude.com/edp/compatibility/ but the dsdt.aml might not work for your system, the rest should though in theory. I recall VAIO being a bit of a pain to hack; but its worth a shot if it brings new life to an older machine. The link has a boot pack for both snow and lion. if the d620 nvidia pack does not work you can try one of the other D620 gma packs depending on your native screen resolution. if i recall the differences are in the org.chameleon.Boot.plist options and DSDT. you can also try a newer chameleon boot loader as they have added graphics support over the years. i hope it will fully detect your graphics in the boot loader instead of having to maybe use EFI strings or NVenabler kexts. it's been a long while since i have dealt with that hardware and my memory is not as good as it used to be. as apple is constantly dropping support for hardware as OS X progresses. as what might work in lets say 10.6.0 might not work the same as in 10.6.3/4. it's up to you if your up too a good challenge.
  4. you might be able to do snow leopard or lion in 32 bit. I'm just not sure about what arch NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400 works with if it does.
  5. usually whitelists depend on device id and manufacturer id's. so most likely not just any card would work. the ones that would work would probably be branded id wise as lenovo. you might have to do further research into the matter as even still being branded lenovo it still might not be in your machines specific white list.
  6. what bootloader are you using and how did you prepare the installer usb. also what are your systems specs.
  7. see if clover can patch for HPET i think some models have issues with it.
  8. then edit your config plist manually like i posted above or select it from clover boot options.
  9. voodoo HDA has gotten a bit better over the years. but i understand.
  10. it was in the picture you posted "kernel extension in backtrace" it means you need a Power Management patch. in config plist under <key>KernelAndKextPatches</key><dict> you need to add <key>AsusAICPUPM</key> <true/>
  11. what is your native screen resolution? that almost looks like a "dual link" issue.
  12. http://sourceforge.net/projects/voodoohda/
  13. well it probably might install the issue would be graphics acceleration.
  14. osx 10.10 and 10.11 are not supported as of yet with myHack due to very limited time on Conti's part.
  15. you can check with one of those linux diskutil distros to see if windows changed the partition type for osx and correct it.
  16. it sounds like it can be nullcpu or you need to adjust video pm so you should pursue that further seems your on the right track. this example is for nvidia not ati but maybe it can give you some ideas https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/7807-nvidia-gpu-performance-tuning-with-agpm/as for null cpu you might need to generate a cpu ssdt or binary patch kexts but that depends on bootloader. clover has the patches embedded compared to chameleon which does not.
  17. i do not believe there is one here. you might be able to get somewhere using snow or lion in 32bit mode and kexts from the d620/ d630 boot packs i dont think that the dsdt will work though from those machines.
  18. tried this one? http://sourceforge.net/projects/voodoohda/
  19. have you tried mounting your EFI partition on the hdd to see whats there?
  20. should not matter as long as you install windows in EFI mode. windows might set bios to boot from it so you would have to change the path to clover in bios. backup existing EFI to be safe but windows needs to add a windows folder to EFI to boot.
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