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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. add the -s flag. when it pauses then do as it asks to mount the drive read write then do a myfix -t /
  2. i think there is a chameleon flag for backlight also just i dont recal what it is at the moment... but it looks like you hit the right framebuffer id with the 3. your definitely closer
  3. http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/288241-intel-hd4000-and-haswell-inject-aaplig-platform-id/ you need to try different id's
  4. i did not notice if you had latest chameleon installed they added a lot of hd4000 options
  5. well it sure is the trackpad kext and its in debug mode. do you guys run a myfix after removing things from e/e? if you dont the kexts inside myhack.kext do not get updated neither does the kernel cache so it would still have the same kext as before deleting them from e/e the system would not be any wiser to the changes.
  6. type kextstat in terminal it should list all your running kexts
  7. are there any kexts in your E/E folder that is also in S/L/E? you might have to backup and remove the ones in S/L/E you might not be generating a kernel cache which is why you need the -f flag. check in console app to see if you are getting errors.
  8. you can try installing chameleon with chameleon wizard app
  9. do you have the latest bios? also here is a guide https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2945-guide-for-enabling-vga-and-hdmi-in-intel-hd4000-gpu/?hl=%2Bhd4000+%2Bpatching
  10. not enough info on that post. repair disk permissions with disk utility. that can cure weird issues.
  11. if using my hack then yes stick to that. or if using kext wizard stick to that. mixing both can cause issues.
  12. check in your bios info it might state some info of your hardware.
  13. you need to look at what driver s are loading in your snow working drive and then add them to you non working install extra folder like jmicron or similar.
  14. well early e series used i think gma 4500 but i am not sure. if so it would need a lot of tweaking to just maybe get it working you would need modified intel graphics frame buffers. maybe google your specs.
  15. what chameleon flags/options are you running?or maybe past your extra folder so one of us can have a look.
  16. hmm then you might have to remove the trackpad kext to see if it is your issue. you will need a usb mouse and keyboard.
  17. shut off BT from bios if possible to rule that out. well for graphics you would have to know what graphics your machine has. and if it is an I core what core graphics it has. but i do believe the 6220 has early gen i core which will need a modified intel graphics frame buffer to get acceleration.
  18. do you have ps2nub.kext in extra folder? with rehab mans version that kext is integrated into the driver so it might cause issues if you have the nub kext also.
  19. does shutting it off allow you to boot properly?
  20. use diskutility to repair permissions and see it that helps.
  21. https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2863-a-solution-for-waiting-for-rootboot-device/&do=findComment&comment=21814
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